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Selena Pov

He cancelled me, again" I wined to Ashely. Justin and I had a week full of dates, but for some reason he kept cancelling cause he had buisness to do with the boys. Whatever the hell that was.  He always seemed to be so secretive when it came to his work places. I know he sold sweets for kids so it defiantly wasn't about that. So why whenever I came there, he always dragged me out and no one seemed to stop him?

"mabye try talking to him?" ash told me from the phone. I shook my head refusing to speak to him. He was annoying me being the stubborn person I am, I didn't feel like talking. If he wanted to speak, he would have to come to me first.

"I'll talk later Ash" I said dropping the phone as I found myself at Justin's front door.

knocking on the door, I excepted to see Jazzy or his mom. But no, guess who's fucking opened my boyfriends door.


my heart beat faster as i looked at her. i knew it. he was gonna cheat on me. it was too good to be true, why would he go out with someone like me? when he could have girls like Chanel. He couldn't get sec from me, so he found ut with someone else. It was all too good to be true.

"What are you doing at my boyfriends house?" I spat.

"Oh? We had a project together, he invited me over but don't worry, we didn't do anything" She smiled, "At least not yet"

I'll kill this bitch. the fact she even had the nerve to say that, witch a smile on her face as well.

"Well is he home?"

She nodded, "Yes but I don't think he wants to see you"

It shocked me how bold she was for doing this. But it made me even more mad that he was talking to Chanel, but not me. His girlfriend.

I pushed her and went to his house, shutting the doors on her before climbing up to his room.

"Oh hey Sel" He said as I appocrhed him.

"Hey? H-hey? Is that all you can say after you been cancelling on us for the past week now?!" I screamed.

He looked taken back, "Don't scream at me Sel, it's not that serious"

I'll kill him now.

"Not that serious? I'm your girlfriend. And the fact you let Chanel in your house but not me is so fucking rude"

"We had a project-"

"I DONT CARE!" I screamed.

Justin looked at me with wide eyes, and didn't say anything. We had never fought before, so I guess this was our first fight as a couple. And it was so stupid.

"Look if you want me to talk to you, I will I'm sorry I just I've ben so busy" He admitted, grabbing my hands softly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to treat women sometimes"

Even though that was a weird comment and totally shouldnt even be said in that way, i nodded my head and kissed his lips.

"I just don't want you to cheat on me, cause I can't give you want you want"

Justin frowned, but he didn't deny anything. I don't know what was going through his head. But what if he had already cheated? I can't give him what he wants so what if he just wants to get rid of me. My thoughts were all over the place, and him not saying anything made it worse.

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