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Justin's POV

"Justin I don't want you doing this anymore" My mom scolded me through the kitchen door.

We were currently, fighting over my jobs and what I do. My mom said i was 19 and I should get a real job like normal teens do. I didn't get it. I've been doing this since, I was at least a pre teen, it didn't bother my mom before, so I didn't get why it bothered her now. Sure I, may or may have not almost stabbed someone, or sold drugs too illegal 13 year olds (which was thier own issue) I didn't get it why it affected her so much.

"Mom, I don't get it" I shook my head, "Why the fuck are you complaining about all this now?"

My mom shook her head, "Don't cuss at me Bieber" She pointed her finger at me warningly, "And let's see what Selena has to say about this, since you care so much about her approval"

My mom loved Selena. Ever since we started dating, she had been asking when she was gonna come home to visit us, or asking to come over for dinner. I didn't really get it — I mean Selena was contagious and her personailty was something anyone was attracted too, but my mom was almost obessed with her.

"Have you told her about Bryn?" My mom asked, handing me the mushrooms she was cooking.

Everyone asked me that these days, it annoyed me but I got why they kept asking.

Bryn was such an important  person in my life, or used too be — and now that she's gone and Selena was in the picture, I guess everyone wanted to know if I told my new girlfriend, about my ex dead girlfriend.

I shrugged at my mom, looking at my phone to see Kacey was calling.

"Lace is calling, I have to go bye mom" I kissed her cheek, running up to my room.

Answering the phone, I laid on my stomach. Lacey replied with her chirpy voice filling my ears.

"Hey Jay, we miss you over here!" Lacy said, kicking something in the background.

I smiled in reply, "Same, how are things?" I asked her.

"Bliss misses you like crazy, she said she wanted to run to LA just to find you again" She giggled.

"How is Selena?" Lacy asked me.

She had always seems to ask about Selena all the time. It's like she didn't want me to move on, but she knew it was for the best anyways. And wanted to somehow get to know her more.

I nodded my head, "She's good, I haven't talked to her all day thought she's got exams and shit"

I had her gasp in the phone before she said, "How old is she?"

"17" I spoke.

I knew this question was gonna come up, considering the fact all my friends were 20, and 19. The only reason I was still in school was to have a normal life, like my mom always told me. Selena was young, i mean three years wasn't a lot — but I just knew if Bryn had met her, she would treat her like she was a child.

Speaking of birthdays, I was turning 20 soon. And i was still at a fucking high school? I should be embarrassed which I am, but thank goodness most of the people I had sex with were over the age and not underage.

I wondered what I was doing for my birthday. I didn't really like to celebrate that much. And most of the time, it was just me and Bryn, a cake and then birthday sex. But that was gonna he different this time, this was my first birthday with Selena, and I don't know what she was gonna be planning.

"Emma said she prefers Bryn over Selena" Lacey said randomly.

I wasn't shocked or surprised. Emma was very close to Bryn, and idolised her in some type of way. Her insulting Selena, wasn't surprising to me at all. Emma and Bryn we're always the type of girls to judge easily. Lacy was more laid back, which is why we always spoke.

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