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Two Weeks Later

Justin's POV

Time goes fucking fast when your, bored, doing drugs and only go too school twice a week. But it went by very fast, too fast actually.

Speaking of school, I realised how fucking useless it was. Like seriously? Only people who wanna become Doctors or Lawyers need school. Not random drug dealers like me. Fucking hell. It was a waste of space, I hated it. I wasn't learning anything, I at this point quitting wasn't gonna be a bad idea. I would be 19 in 5 months. I could drop out and work fully with Ace and Khalil. Find myself a nice house, and a nice girl. And live happily ever after.

Speaking of girls, I found myself spending a lot of times with Selena. Not everyday, but every now and then, seeing her by the window, or her coming too the hut. It was kind of, refreshing? I don't know, I liked seeing her. I really did. I wasn't 'falling' for her like everyone said I was going too, I still had another person in the back of my mind — but I did like seeing her sometimes.

Bryn. The love of my life. The hike who died and made my life a living hell. I still thought about her everyday. I always will. I don't think I'll ever stop loving her, ever stop thinking about her. It was almost impossible. But, I found myself looking at other things too keep my happy, and not just the thoughts of her. Plus, moving one wasn't a bad thing right? So even if I found someone else, Bryn won't care..right? I mean she's dead so I doubt she had emotions.

I sighed as checked my watch, it was Friday so I didn't go too school. I was waiting for Selena too come out of the death hole. We were planning on hanging out today. I don't know what we would be doing, but we were gonna have fun. Like I said before, we always hang out. Weather it's something stupid, i enjoy it. And for some reason I don't feel guilty about it anymore.

After her whole rant about not wanting too not stop getting too know me, which I didn't get. I mean I get it, I'm hot, I'm good at having sex, like I fucking got it. But I didn't get it. Selena's wanted too talk too me so badly, she didn't give up. So I gave her the chance, the opportunity too talk too me, get too know me. She was gonna get hurt at the end. I didn't wanna do it on purpose. But you can't blame me. I had demons, Selena wanted too become one of them.

Selena came out, and I took of my glasses let her see it was me. She looked shocked, i mean, I was driving a fucking coral
red mustang. Too her trashy school. Anyone would be shocked.

Everyone looked her way, watching Selena walk too the car. Eyes were on us as she came too me, whispers filled my ears about us. It's not like no one knee who I was, but no one got too know who I was at this school. I liked it that way. I never made myslef known, so seeing me out in the open, probably shocked slot of people.

"Who is that?"

"Is that her boyfriend?"

"No fucking way Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, would ever date"

"He's so hot"

The murmurs of gossip filled the air and Selena rushed, walking up too me with an annoyed look on her face.

This is why I hate school so much, why did they fucking have too gossip over ever little things? Like these bitches can mind their own business. It pisses me off. Like come one, how bored do you have too be with your own life, you have too worry so much about others? Sorry, just school pisses me the fuck of.

"Why did you have too bring these cars here?" She scoffed.

"You said you wanna know me? Well here's me — I love shiny things, ass, diamonds and well this mustang" I winked at her.

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