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Justin's POV

Life was great. Business was booming, I had just a very good deal on drug supply's that Ace flew out. We sold a lot in just a hour, people all ages were coming across the buy our drugs, killing anyone who dared to even try out us.

I killed a lot of people. But it's not like I was gonna caught, and it's not my fault to be honest. You can't come to drug filled business and except not to die. It doesn't make any sense.

I was most likely not to get arrested but if I did, Ace If Ryan would have to put on a story about how I was killing people for "self defence" and lie about our whole buisness, simply cause they don't have enough money too bail me out.

Regardless, I was sure I was safe since I kept my job under wraps. The police didn't know about me so there was no way anyone could out me, and even if I did, what would I do?

Kill em.

So yeah, life was great. Selena and I had been dating for a month, I felt connected to her more than ever. We hung out all the time, making out and kissing. I'm honestly surprised how far I've made it, since I had sex last. This was the longest I had waited, and I felt good about it.

I only had eyes for Selena.

Sure I did think about Bryn a lot, but I kind of felt it was time to move on and let go. Selena made me feel happy and I would ruin everything if I kept thinking about my dead ex.

Key word; dead.

It's not like Bryn was gonna magically come back. I doubt that happens. I'm not sure, I don't read the Bible. I didn't even go to church.

But I did know that if Bryn, wasn't gonna come back — might as well settle with Selena.

It's not like me and Selena were gonna fall in love, since that space was already occupied. But she made me happy; and Im just gonna ruin things by thinking of someone else.

Enough about girls, my mom was currently on a buisness trip and she took Jazzy with her. So it was only me and myself in this house.

I was alone, but I liked it that way. I never really liked having a big group of friends and being popular. The only thing that's popular is my cock. I only ever allowed certain people in my life, my mom, Ace, Ryan and Khalil were basically my only friends in this place.

Until Selena joined my life. I had never opened up to a girl till I met her. Ever. It was all about sex and hooking up, but with her it's more than that. With her it's like I can say anything and do anything, she may not be on the same level Bryn was at, but I can trust her enough too tell her what happend with my family.

Sighing, i laid my head on the comfort of my chair and closes my eyes. This was what I loved. Quiet and peaceful. No one annoying me, this was what I loved. Just me myself and I-

"AYO JB!" The sounds of my annoying friends, roared in y ears and they came into house.

Ruining my peace and quiet.

"What the fuck do you all want?" I snapped at them. They looked at me, not even caring about the fact I was being rude, and sat down.

"We wanna spend time with you Jay, or is that too much for you?" Khalil said, putting his feet on my coffers table.

"Your all so fucking annoying" I cussed, standing up to get a drink.

The boys and I ended up staying awake for the rest of the day watching the Maple Leafs game. I loved hockey. I mean I was, Canadian so of course I did. It was in my blood. I've always dreamt being a hockey player, like to make that my job would be a dream. But, I never had the money for it. I never had the good talent too play for a professional hockey team. Everyone said I was good. But I was way to poor to get scouted. So back to what I moved doing the most,

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