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Selena's POV

"What's going on with Justin these days?" I asked Ace. We were eating at a diner after school since Justin stood me up again. It was a week after his arrest, he came too see me in the hospital — then I got released and he stopped calling. Just like that. He didn't text; ask how I was. But he called everyone but me. It made me question a lot of things about us. We had made all these plans but he showed me up, so instead of Justin taking me to the diner, Ace did.

"I don't know, he's been like that with all of us" He said honestly. Wanting my mind to be removed of Justin, I went to the topic about prom, which hopefully Justin will be my date. But as of now; that's not even likely.

"Shit when is prom?" Ace asked me.

"It's on the last week of June, which is in four weeks" I smiled at him, "Gosh im so fucking extcied"

"I hope Justin is my date" Ace smiled at me, nodding.

Mabye all Justin needed was space. That's it. He got arrested, for something he did or didn't do. Either way he's probably going with shit and I have to be here for him, no matter what. I wasnt gonna just leave him alone. I would feel bad and plus he might be going through shit and needs help. So that's all I could do. Be a supportive, l person like I always was:

Ace and I hung a lot out these days. He was kind of a thing keeping me going until Justin was in my eyes again. And he always so sweet too me, sometimes he would just stare at my face,
telling me how pretty I was. He was my comfort for sure. It was great having a friend like him. When Ash or Justin were busy, Ace was always there.

"Well, I have to go too see Ashely" I said standing up. Saying goodbye too Ace, I made my way too my car too drive too Ashley's. She said she made a new friend a couple days ago at the diner and wanted me too meet her. Her name was Emily or something.

Arriving at her house, her mom opened the door and greeted me with a smile. Telling me that Ashely was upstairs. I saw her with some brunette girl. She was very pretty, she had long hair and her skin was so clear.

"Selena, meet Emma; Emma meet Selena" Ashely introduced.

I shook my hands with her and she smiled, "I've heard so much about you" She laughed, looking at Ashely.

"Ditto" I laughed along with her.

Turned out, Emma was from Canada. Like Justin. She said she didn't know him but had heard of him when he left Stratford.  She was so nice, and so pretty to around with. I almost wanted to hug her of how nice she was being too me.

Later that day, i sat in my bed. Hopeful, Justin would call me or ask how I was.


I was letting him have space, giving him time but he was not calling me back and I missed him. I felt like he forgot that I told him I loved him. I mean how could I forget? It was something had bene trying too tell him for the longest time. He didn't say anything back and then he got arrested. I was gonna let him off for now, but sooner or later we were gonna have too talk about the whole thing.

I loved Justin Bieber.

I loved him.

It felt so good too say. After months of us talking and being friends, he let me in and I showed him how much I loved him. Hopefully he felt the same way for me.

"I mean if he doesn't tell me he loves me, that doesn't mean anything right?" I asked Emma, as we hung out at the diner.

"I mean he got arrested. Who knows what else is going on in his life. Give him time" She said, drinking her milkshake.

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