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Justin's POV

"That's so fucking stupid" I said, watching a show called 'Vampire Diaries' A girl dated a vampire for love, not one but two. Tell me how, that's something anyone would do for love. Pathetic. She even ended up dying just too live forever with one of them. Personally, I would never give my life up love. Maybe me years ago would have, but not now. Not ever. Love was such a complicated thing, I don't get how people weren't scared of falling back again after someone messed with your head. I for sure was.

Speaking of relationships and love, me and Selena had been dating for a couple of weeks now. It was great. I never thought I would have dated someone else after Bryn, or even love someone. I mean me and Sel weren't in love, I just liked her a lot that's all. But we weren't ever gonna fall in love. Ever. And if she did, we'll that's not really my fault, im irresistible. It's hard to now fall in love with me.

I had told Lacey about me and Selena. She was the main reason I dated her in the first place. She kind of pushed me too move on from Bryn. She wasn't shocked, and didn't seem very happy but she was happy for me.

"Justin, Selena's here!" My mom called me from the living room. In walked Selena, wearing a tank top and baggy leggings. She dressed very causal and seemed to not care about her apprence that much. All the girls I was with cared so much about how they liked. Bryn could never go out without a face full of makeup on her face. I liked her that way though. Her insecurities made her feel special to me.

Shaking my head, I looked to see my girlfriend, "Hey" She smiled kissing my lips. She tasted sweet, like candy. That was her signature taste.

I was very sweet with her, I don't even know how I was. It was just something that came easily. I wrote this girl a fuckimg somg and sang it to her, something I would never do. It was weird.

"You okay?" I had asked her pulling her to my lap. She nodded her head and my sister barged into the living room.

"SELLY!" Jasmine screamed stepping on her toes and hugging her.

The bond Selena had with my sister was amazing. Bryn never had a bond with her that much, the only thing I recall them hanging out was when we went on a trip to this fun fair. She stayed with her the whole time and it looked like they bonded. But after that, they never hung out again.

"Hey baby, how are you?" Selena swung Jazymn back and forth.

"Are you and my brother gonna get married?" She asked, batting her eyes.

Marriage? Where the fuck is she getting this from? "Uh, Jas can you go too your room and playing with your dolls — me and Sel have something to do" I told my sister, who was annoying me with her questions.

She rolled her eyes, like the diva she was and dashed away.

"Marriage?" Selena giggled. I laughed with her at the topic of the convo, and shook my head.

Later that day, I was with Ace and Khalil trying to set up for our next meeting.

"Jay, have you told Selena about what we do?" Ace asked me.

The stuff me and the boys did was dangerous, we sold drugs and shit and Selena was close to finding out once — But I told her we sold sweets for kids, which she believed — but now we're dating and she's gonna spend so much time with me, she's gonna find out sooner or later.

"Your gonna have to tell her, you know" Ryan said walking in too the room, "Your gonna lose all her trust if you don't"

Selena already doesn't trust me, I lied to her about my relationships, my job. She probably doesn't even trust me, but thinks one day I'll end up telling her everything.

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