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Justin's POV

"Who bailed me?" I asked Ryan. I got out of jail, happily. But i was still confused about who bailed me out. Who was so eager to see me out of jail? It wasn't gonna he my friends, they tried — but couldn't. It wasn't Selena, she didn't even know i was in jail, or she did but no way we she gonna bail me out. I grabbed my phone, answering the messages i left on delivered. *Creak* A sound was made as i stood of up from my bed.

I stood still, holding my phone in one hand, i thought I was going mad, i had always seen visions of her —- but this one looked real. It looked like i wasn't actually going mad? But i thought i was. Shaking my twice, to get the image of her out of my head, but she was still there.

She was there. Standing right there.

The sun shone directly too her eyes. I saw her clearly. I saw her perfectly, her golden locks were breezing against the wind. She licked her lips twice, looked like she was hoping for me too say something. It had been two whole years of not seeing each other. Two years of pain and loss. Confusion.

She looked different too me. Her hair was more brownish than blonde, her face was so silky, so soft. She was still so beautiful.

She gazed upon me, and our eyes met. I licked my lips closing my eyes. Hoping it was all a dream —- but it wasn't. She was there. The love of his life. Standing right infront me.

"Hi" She said. Her voice sounding high and clear like it always was.

Is that all she had too say? After tests of leaving me and not seeing me? That's all she had to fucking say? "Hey" I thought this bitch was dead and all she had too say was hey.

But soon the words slipped out of my mouth, and since two years, i mumbled my lovers name,


"Yeah" She said, "I'm here" She smiled at me.

I shook my head, pinching myself to make sure it was all real, "I thought you were dead?" I said, sitting down.

"I was, i mean- it's a long story" She said, sitting down with me.

The silence fallen between us, and I let the the cold air come between my face. Breathing, in and out.

"I've missed you" I said, my voice breaking. Bryn smiled at, laughing a little and hugged me.

She felt so perfect too hold. Her arms felt perfect on me.

"But why the fuck did you leave me?" I said, "I've been through shit and you leave me? And come back after two years when I'm finally moving on-"

"I still love you Justin; you know that" She said. I shook my head; standing from her and running my hands through my hair. This women was confusing the fuck outta me. She died. Left, was that all a fucking lie? And now she's back, telling me she loves me and shit.

"Justin if you just listen too me-"

"And hear what Bryn? How you fucked me over and your back too do it even more again?"

She shook her head, "No, just listen too me" She said too me, grabbing my hands.

"Justin, you were a drug dealer. Okay and we worked together. We were the best of the best. But, one day they were people eho were out there, looking for you. No one knew except me, I was scared. They told me they were gonna kill you" She cried; "So I faked my death. It was me or you Justin; and I chose me, to protect you-"

"To protect me!? You fucking didn't do this to protect me, you did this for you, cause your so selfish Bryn" I screamed at her.

Bryn trembled, breathing in and out, "I love you" She said.

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