ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ɴɪɴᴇ

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He told me he loved me.

Justin told me he loves me.

I had so many thoughts right now. so many feelings at the moment but I let those feelings and thought to be at bay and I focused on the beautiful man sitting right next to me as we drove to a nearby park. Not only did he tell me he loves me but he did it in the most beautiful way ever. Singin me a song that said he was apologising and did he do in front of Ace but the whole school too.

My heart was happy.

I hummed too a song as Justin smiled at me, kissing my hands in the process.

I did feel bad for Ace, since he did really like me. But my heart belonged to Justin and he knew that.

"What you thinking about baby?" He asked me staring into my eyes.

"You" I replied cheekily.

He smiled a little again and kissed my hands.

I loved Justin. He loved me. Not Bryn, not anyone. Me.

I had made him wait for months and months without any sex. And the guilt was catching up to me. Was I a bad girlfriend for making him wait? I wasn't sure.

But I was ready more than ever to give myself away to him.

I may not be his first, but I'm his last forever.

"Jay?" I asked, "I want to have sex with you"

Justin looks taken back, and his eyes widened. He thought I was joking so laughed, and when he saw I wasn't, he stopped:

"Baby; I don't want to force you to do anything"

"You aren't" I assured him, "I want this"  I nodded surely.

He smiled at me and nodded his head, stopping the car at a park and moving me to the backseat. We had enough space since Justin car was massive. So I laid on the back of the car seats as Justin kissed my nose.

"I love you" He said removing my clothes first. I watched as he took off my dress and my bra, for some reason I wasn't shy until Justin eyed my body.

"Your beautiful" He said kissing me.

With that he took of the rest of my clothes, and I was naked to him. Exposing this side of me as he took away my innocence.

Justin let out a low snarl of approval of my body, and I bit my bottom lip as he removed his pants, along with his undergarments, revealing the proud, thick length of him. My mouth went dry, and I dragged my gaze up his muscled torso, over the panes of his chest.

He was big.

"Come here," he growled, so roughly the words were barely there.
I pushed back a little, revealing my already naked body, and he hissed.

"I love you" He said, kissing and nibbling on my neck.

I moaned then, tilting my head back to give him better access. His hands clamped on my waist, then moved—one going to cup my breast, the other sliding between us.
This—this moment, when it was him and me and nothing between our bodies.

His tongue scraped the roof of my mouth as he dragged a finger down the center of me, and I gasped, my back arching. "Selena," he said against my lips, my name like a prayer.

His tongue swept my mouth again, in time to the finger that he slipped inside of me. My hips undulated, demanding more, craving the fullness of him, and his growl went louder in my chest as he added another finger.

I moved on him. Lightning lashed through my veins, and my focus narrowed to his fingers, his mouth, his body on mine. His palm pushed against the bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs, and I groaned his name as I shattered as he kept fingering me.

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