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Justin's POV

Hope. That's all I had left. Hope.

Hope that Bryn would walk into my arms and everything would go back the way it was. Even though that's a fairytale, and would never happen. I had hoped off it, funny enough, i even prayed for her too come back. Which is weird. Praying too God for a dead person too come back too life? Weird. But still I had hope. My friends said I was mad and needed too move on. But that wasn't gonna happen any time soon.

We were currently sat on the table, in a computer room. Talking too Chaz and Lacey.

"So Jay, any hot chicks over in Cali?" Chaz asked me.

There were a lot of cute girls here, but none compares too Bryn. So of course, I shook my head.

"He's lying" Ryan rolled his eyes, "He's just a pussy who can't move on from his ex"

I scoffed, offended about what he said, "Shut the fuck bro, not like you get any pussy" I spat.

Lacey laughed at that, "Well he and Bryn were a match made in heaven, I don't blame him for not moving on"

"It's not like he will ever move on, that girl has you wrapped around her finger, dead or alive" Chaz said.

Is that what they all thought of me? They I won't be able too ever move on. They were right, but I didn't want anyone too ever think of me as someone who sticks too one person all cause of the history you, and never moves on. It's not like I don't wanna move on, i do. But I can't. Some how Bryn always comes into my mind.

"So there's no other girl?" Lacey asked, leaning forward too the screen.

Lacey was Bryn's best friend. She supported us the most, and I know for a face she would go crazy if she found out there was someone else. She shipped me and Bryn like no other, and whenever we had a rough patch, Lacey always helped. She was devastated by her death. But she's doing bette than me. Everyone seemed too me doing better than me.

But there wasn't. So she didn't need too worry. I wasn't gonna move on from her any time soon. But it annoyed me that people that of me that way. It annoyed me.

"Well, he has been talking too this one girl — Selena"

"Yeah cause she's desperate and all she does is follow me around"
I rolled my eyes as they laughed.

"Well, whoever she is, I'm sure she doesn't compare too Bryn, obviously"

I didn't even compare Bryn and Selena. Selena was soft, she loved the idea of rain and shit. I had only known her for about two weeks and that's the idea I got from her. Bryn was like me, sharp, hard. Falling was hard for both of us. Ever since her death, I haven't really opened up too anyone.

"How is everyone? How's Bliss?"

Blissity, was a girl we all meet during the drugs dealing. When it first started. She was 14 at the time, we were all 16. Bryn took her in and loved her like her own. She was 16 now, and I don't even know what she could be doing now that her own mother figure was dead.

"She's good" Lacey sighed, "She misses you"

"We all do, Come back Jay" Chaz frowned.

I wish I could come back, I really do. But it would be such a burden. Going back too the same place my father AND girlfriend died? It was too much. Too much history there. I knew they all understood, cause they nodded as I told them I wouldn't come back. The only thing too make me come back would be too see Bryn, but she's not here anymore.

• • •

I stepped out too out of the car, Me, Ryan, Khalil and Ace were hitting on our 'PLAN' today. We stepped out, wearing face coverings cause we didn't want anyone too see our faces. I never got caught, and I didn't want my mom finding out her 18 year old son is a criminal.

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