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One Year Later.

The damage had been done. Everyone had so much to say.  But we made it. We really did. It had been a year since I met Justin. A whole year.

How did time go by so fast?

On the first month of us coming back together. It was hard. I didn't trust him, I was scared he was we just gonna leave me again. We fought a lot. Over tiny things. But we did it cause we loved each other.

On the fifth month, Bryn came back telling him she was pregnant with his baby. It ruined me. Us. We fought so hard. Me telling him he was as a dick and he cheated while he held me as I cried.

But it wasn't enough for him to stop loving me.

Turns out it wasn't even his kid, it was and you won't believe it — Aces.

That's right. The boy who was Justin's best friend and kissed me.

I didn't talk to Ace after that, now to think about it he was controlling me to not talk to Justin and that was not okay. He was obsessed with me, and in a way it was my fault since I used him.

Apparently the two ended up together. I wasn't sure I didn't care.

Justin's friends from home were more accepting of us. They came to a conclusion that he and Bryn were over, and they couldn't do anything to stop us.

Still I had my doubts.

Bryn was his first, Justin was my first. What if he left me again? The insecurity of my past haunted me alot. But Justin reminded me everyday that I was his and he was mine.

"We're gonna forgive this out baby. I promise" He told me, as we laid together after a night of making love.

He often told me he wished I was his first, and that he regrets being with Bryn. He even cried at times, telling me that he feels bad for how he treated me, and wished it never happend.

Or even when I didn't get accepted to NYU. He was so proud of me; telling me "You did so well babe" As I cried on his shoulder.

He was my rock.

And here we stood on top of the altar. Infront of family and friends as we gave our love to another. I was only 19, but I loved him so much I didn't care about our age. He wanted to make me his as soon as possible.

"I want you to be Selena Bieber soon"

I laughed at him telling him I would keep my last name, but he refused.

I watched as my mom cried over her baby getting married, and Ashley in the front wearing her bridesmaids dress.

"Do you, Justin Bieber take thee Selena Gomez to be your lawfully wedded wife, have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part."

He nodded his head, "I do"

"And do you Selena Gomez take thee Justin Bieber have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part."

I smiled, "I do"

The priest smiled, "You may now kiss the bride"

Justin grabbed my face; mushing us together as we moved around. Finally together as husband and wife. As one. Finally.

"I love you" He told me as loud cheers came from the crowd.

And I know he meant it.

"I would choose you, everyday and every night. only you baby"

"only me?" I asked softly.

"only you"

Ahh!! Only you ended and I feel like crying. Thank you all your comments and votes. I don't want this book to end but all good things come to an end. I hope you liked the ending.

I just published my next book "Complicated" go check it out!

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