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Justin's POV

I woke up next morning ready to go to school, It would be my first time back since the arrest. everyone had heard about it, everyone was saying shit. I chose to ignore it cause, my mind was elsewhere. Mt mind was with Bryn. she was currently at my house walking around, staying on my bed and I was here with my girlfriend lying to her face telling her everything was okay but my dead ex-girlfriend who I didn't even was still alive — was at my house laying on my bed sleeping in the same sheets Selena slept in not just two weeks ago. I felt guilty. I felt like my whole life was just going to come crashing down sooner or later. I didn't know why Bryn came back, she said it was because she didn't want me to fall in love with someone else, but honestly as much as I love her and wanted her back it would've been better if she stayed dead because now everything is so complicated. Selena told me she loved me and I looked at her and I didn't see shit. I'm a horrible boyfriend and a horrible person. Mabye, Ace was right maybe Selena does deserve better.

Everyone kept telling me too tell Selena. Tell Selena that Bryn was back or that she was alive. Tell her the complicated story. I want to do I really did, but I just knew it was going to fuck everything up.

I didn't want to lose Selena, as of now she made me the happiest ever and even tho Bryn, was back there was a part of me that still wanted to keep Selena around. I don't wanna just get rid of her if I did care more about Bryn than about Selena, she would've been gone a long time ago. Cause these days, all I was thinking about was, Bryn, Bryn, Bryn. Now all I can think about is her,


I was ignoring her. I wasn't speaking to her. I had visited her so many times in the hospital but she probably doesn't even remember. I just didn't want to see her face — I mean I did at school but I didn't want to have a full on conversation with her. I was too scared. I wanted to see her but, I couldn't tell her about Bryn being in town she probably would feel used,

Broken. Like I lied about how I felt about her. When I really did like her.

So, my only option was really just keep this all the secret from Selena. For her to never find out that Bryn was to continue living with me and breathing with me, while I am with Selena happy with her and dating her and no one brings this up. EVER. Hopefully, Bryn won't say shit and whatever Emma is doing to interrogate my girlfriend she would stop.

Everyone would stop. I was happy with Selena and that's all that mattered,

She was all that mattered.

"Are you okay Justin?" Bryn walked into my room, laying on my bed. My mum is still not back in town yet and Jazzy wasn't going to be here for the rest of the time, so Bryn staying in my house was always going to be kept hidden from everyone. Until I decided what too do with her. Selena wasn't gonna come to my house. Not even Ryan and Khalil don't even know that she's living here because they still think that she's at the hut or had gone back home. No one knows what's going on except me and possibly Ace cause he's being a fricking weirdo.

On the day of my arrest when I got bailed out, Ace was just being annoying than normal. He, kept bringing up Selena all the time and asking about her and it was just annoying.I appreciate that they were friends but sometimes there was a cross between asking about your mates girlfriend and actually asking about your mates girlfriend. Doyou see the difference? He seemed like he wanted to know everything about Selena and It just came to a point where he was choosing her over me. Bros before hoes —  not that Selena is a hoe, but you get what I mean.

So, currently me and him were  not really on speaking terms. But he knew about Bryn, everyone knew about Bryn. And he knew that she was back and that it was, probably gonna cause some trouble, but he didn't say anything. He respected me the same way I respected him, and since he respects me hopefully he will not make a move on my girlfriend.

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