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Justin's POV

"So class the rest of the semester..." I tuned out of annoying teachers voice about how, Shakespeare was the best writer of the world, before our generation ruined it with the 'Wattpad' stories. Who even writes that shit? Their boring and are made from peoples imaginations. No actual factual shit. Still — I hate Shakespeare. Or anything too do with paragraphs.

Looking up at the room, I felt numb. Almost as if I was stuck in a place and I couldn't not get out. I hung out with Selena on Saturday. It was a nice day too spend it, but still I didn't wanna woke up on Monday feeling shitty. I always felt bad whenever I was with her, almost as it moving on from Bryn was wrong? But it's not like I liked Selena. Or cared about her. But it was nice too have company sometimes.

The bell rung and I stood up, rushing out of the door. I need too get out of this place. I rushed too the doors, watching everyone go the other way. Swiftly and quickly, before I bumped into someone again.

And won't believe who it was.

"Woah, We need too stop doing that" Selena giggled.

"Yeah yeah, excuse me" I pushed her and walked through due school doors.

"We still have one last lesson" She said, following me.

Fuck, can't she give me a break?

"I know, but I'm leaving at this time" He spoke "Cant you mind your own business?" I snapped at her.

She looked at me, didn't even move or make any inch. Was she made of mental or something

"I'm sorry for wondering where my friend was going" She spoke.

Friends? I don't even know what we were. Sure we spend time together. But It was never planned and just happens randomly. So I don't know went too call the thing we have. I had never gotten close too a girl after Bryn, so being mean too Selena wasn't intentional. I mean she was annoying as fuck, but still. I didn't try too hurt her on purpose.

"Look, I'll see you later okay? I just need too be alone for a while"

I walked away from her, getting into my car and driving away.

I soon arrived at the 'hut' Ryan skipped school and we both went too hang out with Ace and Khalil. And by hang out, I mean do drugs and kiss random naked girls.

"Let's get it turned up" Khalil did a little dance, pouring some alcohol and handing us some weed.

"So, Jay, when will you get yourself a girlfriend" Khalil said.

I shrugged, "I'm not planning on getting one any time soon"

Why can't they leave me alone about this, I don't get why they were so obsessed with my love life.

"Okay if I'm being honest guys?" Ace spoke, "Is him getting a girl the best thing ever? Like look at the business he runs, he already is getting close too Selena-"

"Selena and I aren't 'close'" I snapped.

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Yeah sure, your always talking too her, you showed her around the hut, you even let her stay at your house once?!" Ryan laughed, "Not getting close my ass"

"Just say you like her and go" Khalil laughed.

Okay I admit, I did enjoy spending time with her, and maybe It was nice too have company for once, but she wasn't close too me, we weren't gonna marry each other.

"But for real bro, if your gonna date someone don't let them know shit about our business, we don't want, what happend too Bryn too happen too Selena"

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