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Selena's POV

I held my book to my chest, swaying around in the halls singing, 'happier than ever' by billie elish. It was days like this, thaf were cold and grey — but I loved so much. It gave me comfort. I loved rain. I know, people hate it. Cause of the muck you get on your shoes, or the dirty homeless people who push in to you on the bus. But when you look at it in a way I do, the sound of rain just brings me joy.

I checked my locker, looking around to see everyone snuggled against eachother. It made me smile. I loved the feelings of love, and the feeling of just having someone around to comfort you.

Speaking of which, Justin and I have gotten closer. ALOT, closer. I admit before, I was getting to know him more simply cause he seemed so mysterious. He was hot, every girl and boy wanted him. Yet, he kept to himself, only fucked everyone now and then. It was weird. Now, I just want to be around him everyday.

"Hey chicken" Ace came up to me, kissing my cheek. Ace had quickly become my best friend. We got along, and we thought the same things. He believed Justin liked me, and was the only one who knew about my new found feelings for him.

"Hey" I hugged his side.

I saw Justin down the halls talking to Chanel. One of the bimbo bitches of the school. She and Justin had a thing back in the day. But that was a WHILE ago. A long fucking while ago. They seems to be getting along well, a little too well. And a pit in my stomach formed.

"Don't worry, he's just talking to her" Ace said, noticing my stance.

I nodded, smiling at him softly. I shouldn't be jealous. We aren't even dating. But something about seeing him with other girls just pissed me off.

Justin walked up to us, his hands in his pockets and him biting his lips, "Sup peeps" He said, he rested his head on my locker. I smiled at him, lightly licking my lips.

"What's wrong Sel?" Justin asked. My jealousy was filing my head. And soon, i was rolling my eyes at every little thing Justin had said.

"Nothing" i moved my head to face Ace and rolled my eyes once again.

As I said before, I shouldn't be jealous. But I was. And I was letting it get the best of me. My thoughts filled my brain and I shook my head

"I'm gonna leave you two alone" Ace said, noticing the silence.

"You okay?" Justin asked me, taking a piece of hair out of my face.

"Why are you always talking to Chanel?" The words blurted out of my. Justin looked at me, his eyes squinting a little before replying.

"She's just a friend, Sel. Not even close to that" He spoke.

"Plus, we aren't dating so why would you care?"

I let out a loud sigh, frustration coming out easily. He was right. We weren't dating. Mabye that was my fault. I did tell him we could stuff couples did, but just not date. But I only said that, for him. Since he's scared of relationships or whatever. So technically he isn't being for to me.

"Sel?" He spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts, "Are you really upset about this? I won't talk to her again then" He nodded to himself.

I shook my head, "No it's fine, we aren't dating we just like eachother right? But there's nothing we can do about it" I smiled at him before walking to my class.

The day went back fast and soon found myself at my last lesson. Listening to the horrors of Mr Haig talking about History of the world. Which I didn't care about whatsoever. I don't need to know how the earth came to be, I just need to get married, have kids and die. Period.

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