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Justin's POV

I stood still, letting the air hit my face as I watched the scene that just happend. Trying too put the pieces together. How the fuck did this all go so wrong? How did it happen so fucking fast and I didn't control it?

I wasn't careful. I was stupid. They told me too tell her and i didn't and now I'm getting paid for the actions. This was my fucking fault. All my fucking fault.

She left me.

She walked away from me.

This time it wasn't Bryn.

It was Selena.

She walked away from me. Left. Walked. Whatever the fuck it mwans too leave someone. But thats what she did.

I still remeber the aftermath of what she told me when she found out about Bryn.

"Hey baby- why are you crying?" He asked coming too embrace me in his arms.

"Justin" I gulped, "Who's Bryn?"

Justin looked at me, shame falling down on his eyes.

"I was going too tell you-"

"Oh my god" I jumped up from him, my hands shaking, "You fucking lied too me"

"I didn't-" He defended himself, "I thought she was dead so being with you I thought I didn't have too tell you. But she's back now and I was going too tell you" He said.

I shook my head, "Everyone knew she was back. But me. I was just fucking led on" I cried.

"No" He said, "No Selena I do like you-"

"That's the problem! I love you but you only like me" I trembled, "And you'll never love me cause you love Bryn"

Justin's eyes fell. But he didn't deny it.

So it was true.

He didn't love me cause he loved Bryn.

"Selena, please" His voice broke, "I'm sorry, I'll do anything. Tell me what too do and I'll do it" He said, grabbing my hands.

I thought about what he should do. Should I drop it and forget about Bryn? Should I forgive him despite him lying too me about he was for months? Should I walk away? My mind was boggled, but I knew the right choice, and I chose my words carefully.

"Get out of my life" I told him. And just like that, I walked away from him.

I looked around my room. It was quiet. Dark. There was no sound but my heart beat.

I didn't get it. I didn't love Selena — or at least I never admitted too loving her. But I felt so broken, I felt so empty. I felt like Selena just grabbed my heart and ripped it open. Just like Bryn did two years ago.

Bryn. That fucking bitch. I don't know what possessed her too tell Selena about our past relationship. What was her aim? Was it revenge? I didn't fucking get it.

I rubbed my forehead. Shaking my head and pulling my hair. I was gonna fucking kill Bryn. Not actually cause I was gonna go too jail — but honestly I wanted too slap the bitch face.

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