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Justin's POV

Tick tock. I sat down in the hut, waiting for the victim in front of us too give us another drug dealing. He was wasting my fucking time. I had other things too do, rather than killing an innocent man too get money. Tick tock. He shivered, as we all looked at him. We weren't even doing anything but staring at the man was already shitting his pants.

"Look, Mr Bieber-"

"Don't fucking call my name unless you give and my friends that bag of weed"

He froze, taking his arms too his face and breathing carefully. I almost felt bad for him, but I wanted my money and he was wasting my fucking time. Tick tock. The clock went each time this fucker cried for us too stop looking at him.

"Please, please just-" Wanting him too shut up, I grabbed a knife and slashed his hands. He was already weak, so at that he fainted.

"Finallly, he was annoying me" Ace said, grabbing the bag of weed and money and putting it on the table. Khalil and Ryan dragged the mans body too a bin. Whoever found him? Can be blamed for almost having a half dead man in thier area.

I walked too the chairs, sitting down and counting the money. "90, 100, 200, 300, 490, $500 fucking dollars we made today" I smiled at my friends.

We usually halved the money, so each of us can share it equally. Sometimes I would get more, or Ryan or Ace. But we never cheered eachother.

"So how are things with Selena?" Ryan asked me sitting down.

I took a deep breathe, thinking about the time Selena saw me at that White House down the road. It was a shock too me, Selena didn't know anything about me. So lying too her, about the lyrics thing being about Ace, was a way too protect myself. If she knew I wrote lyrics about sappy love, she would become vulnerable about me. And start thinking all this weird shit and I don't know. I told her I was gonna hurt her in the end, that me falling in love with her was impossible. She didn't listen, so if she did get hurt — which she will. It won't be entirely my fault.

"Uh, good I guess" I took a sip of my drink.

"Good? Or you thinking your falling in love with her and that pisses you off cause you still love Bryn aka your dead ex?"

I rolled my eyes at him. I wasn't falling in love with Selena. Sure okay I did like her company, she was nice too talk too. But I wasn't gonna start fawning over the dang girl. It's not a big deal.

"Yeah yeah whatever bro" I scoffed at him.

"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time Jay, I'm serious. Keep Selena around she's good for you"

Happy? I mean he did make a good point. I was never really happy cause of Bryn. But these days it's not really about Bryn anymore, and for some reason all I can think about these days is how happy everyone made me.

Including Selena.

"She's just a friend, nothing more too me Ry, I don't get why everyone wants me too find a new girl so bad, or replace Bryn"

"We're not trying to replace Bryn, but moving on isn't a bad thing"

The amount of fucking times I've heard this.

"Just we want you too be happy" Ryan smiled at me.

I mean I get it, if he wanted me too he happy. That's sweet of him. But forcing something between me and Selena wasn't gonna fix anything, or make me forget about Bryn. Even if I was thinking about her less these days. I still loved her. Selena was just my friend, someone who is annoying but keeps my company while I'm at my hard times. Nothing more too that.

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