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Selena's POV

Flicking thorough my book, doodling a bunch of words.

I was sitting in English, doing I don't even know. I wasn't really listening — I never really listened in class. I just couldn't be bothered too here about poets or boring old stuff from the 1800's. It's not like I didn't like, learning. But just not English. It was annoying and took too much off my energy. Like imagine sitting an hour, hearing your teacher rant about shit from the past that didn't matter. It wasn't gonna help me when I was older, I wasn't gonna be a poet or a teacher. So tell my why we had too learn about all this. I didn't get it.

I looked up, checking too see the clock. Five more minutes. Five more minutes of hearing, Miss Broome yammering her mouth about Shakespeare. God why did this women love him so much? Justin told me about her talking a lot about him the other day. Seems like that's all English teachers care about.

Speaking of Justin, I slept with him last night. Well not in that way. But in that way too? I don't know. We weren't on the same bed, but we did share some moments. I felt like I was getting more and more closer too him. I was glad. My feelings for him were getting deeper. I liked his company. Maybe I could be breaking his walls down a little more.

The bell ring, and me and Ashely rushed out the doors too our lockers, "So how are things with you and Justin?" She smirked at me, taking her books out.

"Good, how about you and Ryan?" I winked at my best friend as she blushed.

She liked Ryan for a while now, and as me and Justin got more serious. I think she did with Ryan too as well.

"I think you should tell Jay how you feel" She told me, "You only live once"

I get what she was saying, but I was at a good place with Justin. I don't wanna risk it for me saying I liked him. That would ruin everything.

"I would but it's not the time Ash, I'm just gonna get more and more close too him see what happens in the long run"

She nodded at me but I could she she didn't agree. Her and Jade seemed too think Justin liked me too. I don't even know where they heard that from. Either way, I wasn't gonna tell him i felt. This could just be a small crush, and nothing serious. But for some reason, everyone believed me and Justin would make a good couple.

We walked out too the lunch hall, seeing Justin taking too Kelsey — the school slut and the girl Nathan cheated on me with.

"Ew, here comes Slut Gomez and her friend" She rolled her eyes at me, before kissing Justin on the cheek.

My eyes turned and I felt a burning sensation in my stomach. We're they dating? No no, he would never date someone like her. But he did smile and wink at her..

"Are you dating her?" Ashely asked as she sat down taking a chip in her hand.

Justin shook his head, "No but she's taking me out tonight for dinner" He smiled.

Dinner?! by dinner, in his words I'm pretty sure that meant sex. For the time I knew him, that's all he cares about when it comes too girls. Not dating, or staying in a relationship. Or any type of commitment.

Ashely eyed me from across the table. I looked at her, my eyes filled with jealousy. I licked my lips a couple times, biting a chip from the plates.

Justin frowned, seeing how quiet we all were, "Uh, Ry do you wanna go talk somewhere?"

Ryan looked between us, he was talking too Ashely, seemed too be in a good conversation with her. So he shook his head, "Nah, I think I'm gonna talk too Ash for a little"

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