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Selena's POV

School was annoying. And stressful. I had too go 7 days a fucking week. I wish I was like Justin. He only went some days. He seemed free. I wanted too be free. I wanted too be someone who could do what they want. But that wasn't me. My parents were strict. More of my mom than dad. When I said I was only kid — it wasn't true. I have an older brother. But I never see him. He's always off doing the weirdest shit with people. He worked with drug dealers. Which was funny cause the other day, I saw him with, Ace — that guy I saw Justin with at that hut party. But they don't work as drug dealings.

Well, Justin doesn't. He sells sweets, for kids. Then uses the money for charity. Seems very shady, I know. But he was using it for a good cause, that's all that matters right? Non the less, he seemed like a good guy. I wanted too get too know him more and I didn't know why.

Ashley, me and Jade, spent hours trying too figure out Justin. Why he acted this way, why he seemed so closed off from every one else. Luckily, I was close too his friend, Khalil. Who was Jades boyfriend. Khalil told me Justin was always closed off, since he moved from Canada too here. I didn't get what that even meant. Okay so he was fucking crazy two years ago, and now he still is? Maybe he was bipolar. Sometimes he was rude too me, other times he wasn't nice, but he was as mean as he was. It was difficult with me and him. I didn't get why he didn't wanna open up. I didn't like him — I could not possibly fall in love with him. But I did want too get too know him more. Why didn't he reciprocate the same feeling too me?

I sighed, pushing my hair back in the wind. I was currently on the bench at break, doodling drawings of the trees. I loved nature, just like a loved rain. Just the sounds and the way it represented life. I loved it. My fav poet about tree was, Winter Trees, by Sylvia Plath. It talks about winter trees, and it was currently winter in Cali. Which was unusual for us. It never rained here. But I loved it, enjoying the rain dripping on my face. I thought about the time, I was with Justin, we were both in the rain, and I was talking about how much I found it peaceful.

We talked about, falling in love. He told me, he had never fallen in love. Which was funny. Cause neither had I. Justin didn't seem like the type too fall in love, he seemed like a bad boy, edgy human being. I wasn't in love either. Nathan was someone who as I said before, dated cause everyone told us too. I'm glad he cheated, and I'm glad I'm single.

"Hey princess" Nathan, approached me.

Speak of the devil.

"What do you want Nathan?" I spat, already wanting too leave.

"I see your been hanging with that Bieber kid"

"Yes and what about it?"

"He's fucking trouble, do you not know that?"

I rolled my eyes, why did he have too be so jealous?

"Whatever, just leave me alone. I can be friends with whoever I wanna be with it"

He sighed in defeat, "Okay, but really he's trouble that's the reason why he doesn't come too school, he's done messed up shit"

With that he walked from me. I didn't know who Justin was, but I wasn't gonna judge him: I was gonna let him get too know me. Then maybe we could start judging who he was. And comparing too the shit Nathan has done, I don't think Justin has done any worse. What? It's not like he killed someone or something. Nathan has no right too judge who he was, it pissed me off that he did that.

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