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Selena's POV

I followed him. Yes I know it's weird but I did. He moved here two years ago, and since when I was drawn too him. I didn't get why but I was. He was just so quiet? Never spoke too people. Only had one friend. He never came too school. The whole school was so confused about him. So I wanted too get too know him. Without being weird. I purposely poured spaghetti on him, just too see what he was like. He was nice at first — till he became a bitch too me.

It's not like I liked him, but Ashely — my best friend, always loved welcoming new people. So seeing a boy who was our age, hot, didn't wanna talk too us, what were we supposed too do, be okay with it?! Plus he was friends with our friend Jade boyfriend. We wanted too see the type of guy he was. I admit he was becoming annoying too me, I didn't get why he would shut me off when I just wanted too he his friend. Like was he a loner or something? Guess we would never know.

I walked out of my car too get back home, it was raining and I was wet. Very wet. I shook my hair and opened my doors. My mom wasn't home, neither was my dad. I was an only child. It was me, my mom and dad and my dog. Like it's always been. I was 18, living in good home, going too a great school. My life was perfect, I admit it. I had good friends, good family. A good well now bad, ex boyfriend.

Nathan. He was perfect. But he was a prick, I didn't like him that much. We were kind of together cause of popularity. He treated me like shit anyways, so him not being with me anymore didn't hurt me in anyway.  And too think, Justin was the one who saved me from Nathan hitting me. I smiled at that thought.

"You okay?" A voice came into my ears.

I turned around too see, Justin staring at me.

"Oh my gosh hey!" I smiled at him.

He rolled his eyes, "Why are you always fucking smiling"

I laughed at that, "I'm just happy that's all"

Justin turned from the window and looked at his phone, "Are you not happy?" I asked him,

"Why you like asking so many questions"

I kept quiet and looked at him. Memorising his tattoos. He had a lot, like ALOT. From his, chest too his arms. His body was fully painted in tattoos. But one spot wasn't. A spot was open on his wrist. Weird, he was fully covered everywhere but his wrist.

"Are we having a staring competition?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "W-what?"

With that, he laughed at me. That was the first time I saw him smile honestly.

He stopped laughing, "Why do you keep trying too talk too me, when I'm treating you like shit?"

I shrugged "i don't know, I'm hopeful for new friends"

I didn't know why I was so drawn too him tbh. He was so secretive. Seemed like he has a lot of dark shit from his past. I would love to get too know him more. And honestly I wasn't gonna stop. That seemed weird and obsessive, I know. But he just seemed to tantalising. I wanted too get too know him more.

• • •

I was currently laying on my bed eating chips with my best friend — Ashely. She has been my best friends since we were 4. We went too a Chris Brown concert together when we were 8, we both got first place at a completion when we were 14, and our first kisses at 16. She's truly my best friend. She knows everything about me. From my family issues, to my weird obsession with Drake and Josh. Me and her are tied together for life.

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