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Selena's POV

Justin had just came back from his trip. I hadn't seen him yet, Ryan said he was jet lagged so slept the whole day. I understood and let him rest, thinking he was gonna be jet lagged the whole time. Ryan told me he had a great time there, but them spending as less time was for the best.

I wonder what made Justin so tierd and want to run away from his issues, or whatever Canada is bugging him about. Did he see someone or something that brought him back to his past? I don't know. I can never tell what's going on with him. He was so complicated.

I had just done my exams, I got a perfect score in both papers. All thanks too Justin. If it weren't for him, I doubt I would have done any good in my exams. Which means, I'm free for the next couple weeks. Till I have to sit my next exams, then Prom.

Every girls dreams. I was mostly so exticed since it was me and Justin's first prom as a couple, I couldn't wait to show him off to the school as my boyfriend. It only a couple months away, but ur would go by fast. It was already April, and in two months, I would be having my first Prom with Justin. I know I keep goung on about it, but it's just so extcing. It's the most important thing in my life after my wedding.

I stood in my room brushing my hair, I was about to have dinner with my family. I clicked Apple Music, and played 'Make The Most'  By Lonr. With every strand, I sang a song lyric.

I don't wanna leave your mind to wander
I'll surround you, make you feel sure
Got desire to make this right


'Cause every single night I wanna feel your soul
I wanna grow old with you, make the most with you
That's the goal
I wanna grow old with you, make the most with you


I'll give you some time
Whatever you want, you just say the word
We can do the time
Lock away the key, that's what you prefer


I could do this for days
I would run a thousand miles for you
I could do this many ways
I'ma fall fast and die with you

For some reason, Justin loved me singing to him. He said my voice was very sexy and said it could make any guy come to the sound. Him and his sexual comments could make my head spin any second

Speaking of Justin, my phone buzzed and quick to answer it, came in the raspy voice of my boyfriend.

"Hey baby" he answered. His voice was so hot with his after sleep voice. He sounded like he had just had sex.

I squealed a little, "Hi, I've missed you" I mumbled a little.

I could here him move a little, "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, I'm so fucking tierd since the flight"

I nodded my head even thought he couldn't see me, "We can hang out today though right?" I said hopeful.

"Of course, meet me at the park in half an hour" Justin said.

With that, I dropped the phone to go put some perfection on my face. Ready for my boyfriend. Justin said I didn't need makeup. That I was perfect the way I was, I know he was just saying that. Compared to all the girls he's been with, I'm a downgrade. He only said that to make me feel better. The only good thing about my body was my boobs. They were massive. I got it from my mom. Apart from that, I didn't really have that many issues I had with myself. I kind of loved myself and hated myself. I had a very weird relationship with myself lol.

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