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Selena POV

"I miss you already" I told my boyfriend as I sat in the bathrooms stalls. It had just been a day after he left and I missed him like crazy. This was our first time being apart since we had just met, and the first tome we would be apart as a couple. I mean he was coming back tomorrow, but spending a whole day without bugging him, and kissing him was weird. And I missed him so much it was tiring.

"I've only been gone a day Sel, im back soon" He laughed over the phone. I nodded my head even thought he couldn't see me. I admitted, I was worried about who he was gonna see in Canada. I mean he is gonna see family, but what about all his other family, or ex fuck buddies. What if he saw all of them, and being the person he is cheats on me unknowingly. I groaned and rubbed my head. I needed to stop thinking about the fact he was gonna cheat on me.

"You okay baby?" Justin asked me, "Yeah, just having thoughts" I heard him shuffle, before replying,

"I'm gonna let you sleep, it's like 4am there" The time zones were diffrent here, and it's 12 in Canada, but clearly too earlier here. I nodded my head and said goodnight to Justin.

I let my thoughts put to rest, as I closed my eyes thinking of my boyfriend.

A couple hours later, I woke up an hour late for school. Clearly it was my fault since I stayed up late talking to Justin. I had a detention, which I hardly got — and had to sit in the principals office for hours. It took up my whole day and I probably had like so many missed calls from Justin now. Oh and guess who was there too accompany me at detention. Nate. I haven't seen him since we broke up, he stopped coming to schools and well cause I tried to avoid him a much as possible. He greeted me and said he was sorry for what he did, that he actually did love me and made a mistake. But I was with Justin now. If he loved me that's really a him issue not a me issue. I got him at 16pm, and had 8 missed calls from Justin.

Perfect. He probably thought I was ignoring him and not actually paying attention to him.

He didn't answer my calls after that, and I assumed he was mad at me, so I didn't bother him. I just wondered what he could be doing there. I had so many questions for him. Like had he met his family yet? Did he see his old friends? Will he tell them about us? If he did, i would go crazy off the moon. Just to introduce me as his. Like im screaming internally, hello!

I let my mind of Justin at rest and decided to do some work. Ace and Khalil were still in town so I thought I was gonna meet up with them later.

"Justin cares about you, he might not show it but he really does" Ace said, as we walked through the park.

We had just met, and our main topic was the one and only — Justin.

"I know, but he so emotionless sometimes. I can never know what's he's thinking" I said, rubbing my head. If I thought about Justin one more time, I would cry.

"Let's talk about something else" Ace said as we got to a bench as sat down.

"So hows school?" He asked me, I replied it was good. But changed the subject to him since I wanted to get to know him more.

Ace was very cute. He wasn't gorgeous like Justin, but his locks were so attractive I could have dated him. We got along so well, he slowly become make my best friend. And I wanted to get to know him more. I asked him basic questions about where he lived, his family etc. Then we started talking about how he qmet Justin. Turns out Justin was really young and Ace and Khalil were willingly too bring him in and help him with work. Like Justin, Khalil had to stay back two years. So he was 20, going too school with 18/17. Weird.

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