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Selena's POV

I watched the sun rise and my eyes squinted. I stood up, but instantly fell down cause of the dizziness.

"Fucking hangovers" I whispered; laying back down.

I hate hangovers. I never got them, but I didn't like them. This was probably my second time drinking, and I like it but then again, I didn't wanna feel like shit every day after drinking. I didn't even remember anything from last night, all I know was after school, I came too a bar and hung out with Ace, Ryan and Ashely and Justin.

After that, it's a blur. I think Justin carried me too my car, but I really don't remember.

Speaking of Justin, me and him had gotten closer. I was glad. Ever since my breakdown three weeks ago, we spent a lot of time together. I felt like my feelings for him were growing stronger. Yes I know, feelings is a big word, and it's hard liking someone like Justin, cause I never know what he's thinking. He tells me all these sweet words like, 'darling' or 'babe' when we aren't even dating, or I catch him looking at me randomly. It's hard too tell how he actually feels about me, when he doesn't open up.

I don't know anything much about his past; or why he is the way he is. We hung out for 5 weeks, but we haven't gotten deeper past the 'I wanna get too know you more' 'why won't you let me?' kind of talk. I told him about my life. I had a good life, both parents together, live in a nice house. I was privileged. I went too a nice school, so I can't really complain.

But Justin, I don't know if he lived that type of life, or if he's the complete opposite. Ace never said anything about who he is, But I hear things. Like rumours from school. People saying things like he killed people and that's why he doesn't come too school. Or what Nathan told me. I mean — our school was filled with gossips after all. Everyone was gonna talk. But what if these stories about Jay was true? And I was just too blind too see it.

I guess we would never know.

I stood up from my bed, seeing some medicine on the counter, next was a note that read, 'Hangover, in the morning! Take these pills and you'll feel better. See you tonight :)'

I laughed at his wink emoji. This probably meant, I went home with Justin.

Taking a sip, I gulped it down feeling a lot better than I did, in the last five minutes. I got up, getting dressed for the day. I did my make up, and got my tiny bag too carry. Walking down the stairs I was greeted by my mom reading a magic magazine about cutlery.

"Hey mama" I grabbed an apple, eating it and sitting on the table, "What are you doing?"

She looked at me, setting aside her margined and remove her glass, "Sweetie, who is that boy you been talking too these days?"

Shoot; I never really told my mom about how much time I spent with Justin. I mean she knew we talked, but we got a lot closer recently.

"Isn't that the Bieber kid? I thought Jack said you weren't friends?"

I rolled my eyes at her when my brother said me and Justin, were never gonna be friends. LOOK A ME NOW.

"He's my friend mom, he lives next door"

My mom smiled widely, jumping from the table and hugging me "Aw, you have a new boyfriend" She screamed, "Thank god Nathan was a freak"

I laughed at her, shaking my head "No he's a friend, nothing more than that"

"But you like him don't you baby?" My mom smirked at me.

Damn how did she know so much.

"I'm your mama, I know everything" She said, pouring a glass of orange juice, "And I know you like this boy"

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