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"Who bailed me?" Justin asked his friend. He got out of jail, happily. But he was still confused about who bailed him out. Who was so eager to see him out of jail? It wasn't gonna he his friends, they tried — but couldn't. It wasn't Selena, she didn't even know he was in jail, or she did but no way we she gonan bail him out. He grabbed his phone, answering the messages he left on delivered. *Creak* A sound was made as he stood of up from his bed.

He stood still, holding his phone in one hand, he thought he was going mad, he had always seen visions of her —- but this one looked real. It looked like it wasn't actually going mad? But he thought he was. But he shook his head twice, and well there she was.

She was there. Standing right there.

The sun shone directly too her eyes. He saw her clearly. He saw her perfectly, her golden locks were breezing against the wind. She licked her lips twice, hoping he would say something. She knew he was shocked — she was too. It had been two whole years of not seeing each other. Two years of pain and loss. Confusion.

He looked different too her, his hair wasn't in a quiff like she left him, it was messy and long but kind looked like Ken from Barbie. Yet he was stunning. This was the men, she fell in love with. The man she fought crime with. The man she fell in love with at 16.

She gazed upon him, and thier eyes met. He licked his lips closing his eyes. Hoping it was all a dream —- but it wasn't. She was there. The live of his love. Standing right infront him.

"Hi" Her voice rang in his ears and after two years, that's all she said.

Hey? Not a explanation about anything. About how she left him. He was confused. Lost and didn't know what too say.

But soon the words slipped out of his mouth, and since two years, he mumbled his lovers name,


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