Chapter 11

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When I walked out of the elevator to get back to Rindou's penthouse, Ran was waiting in front the door.

My heart picked up a beat as he gazed up at me with his signature lazy grin on his lips. He was leaning his back against the wall, a box of eggs in his hands.

'You forgot to take that this morning.'

'Oh... thank you.'

I walked up to him to take the box but he raised his arm above his head. His smirk widened as I stretched up towards him to try to take it from his hand. One of my palms was pressed against his chest to help me keep my balance while I stood on my tippy toes. 

When our eyes met, a hot sensation drifted through my body. I quickly took a step back and averted my gaze.

'I wanna make the cake with you.'

'I don't think it's a good idea for you to come in. If Rindou-'

'He won't be back for another hour.' Ran interrupted me. 'Plus, we're just gonna bake a cake. Or were you expecting something else?' He asked, making no attempt to conceal his teasing smirk. 

His mouth was saying something but his lavender gaze that hungrily drifted over my body was saying another.

I looked away from him and took the key to open the door. The air was saturated with tension and anticipation as we entered the kitchen together.

I took my jacket off and placed it on a chair before heading to the counter where I had left the cake recipe. Rolling up my sleeves, I started reading it. 'Half a cup of flour, one cup of white sugar, 2 eggs-'

I turned around to look at Ran who still had the box of eggs. To my surprise, he was already standing right behind me.

He stepped even closer, towering over me and backing me against the counter. I looked up at him as he slowly leaned in, our lips only inches away.

Just when I thought he was going to kiss me, he reached behind me to grab the bowl I had already put the flour in this morning.

A smirk tugged a the corner of his lips as he cracked two eggs into it. 'You were in my way.'


I wanted to take a step to the side but his body was still pressing mine against the counter.

Ran's smirk widened. 'Now, now. Don't look so disappointed.'

'I'm not-'

He interrupted me by crashing our mouths together, swallowing my gasp of surprise and dipping his tongue past my lips. 

I pressed my palms against his chest to stop him and push him slightly away. 'We can't do this.'

Ran tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, his dark gaze still caught on mine. 'Why not? I saw you first, you know.'

So I was right, I was the girl he had been stalking...

'It doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm with Rindou-'

'You might be with him now but I can tell he hasn't made you his yet.'

He lifted my hips and pushed me onto the counter before spreading my legs apart. I tried to press them back together but he went to stand between them.

Slowly, he slid a warm hand under my skirt while peppering my neck with sloppy kisses.

'Who do you really want to be with? Tell me, Y/N.'

A moan caught in my throat as he dipped two fingers into my wetness.

'Look at this.' He smirked smugly, raising his fingers covered in my arousal in front of our eyes. 'Seems like your pretty little pussy is answering for you.'

Suddenly, he grabbed me by the waist to put me back down. I squaked at the sudden manhandling as he flipped me around and bent me over the kitchen counter.

'What are you-'

My mouth fell with a silent scream when he slapped my ass before rubbing his erection against it through the fabric of his pants. He bent down and pulled me by the throat with one hand to steal a quick kiss from me.

'Tell me Y/N, who do you want this pussy to belong to?'

His proximity made it hard for me to collect my thoughts.

'I... I want-'

What do I want?

Who do I want?

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