Chapter 13

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I was so engrossed in my book that I didn't even hear the door of the penthouse open and Rindou approach the couch I was sitting on. It's only when two warm hands were placed on my back that I looked over my shoulder.

'Hey. You're back.' My lips pulled up into a soft smile as I gazed up at Rindou. 

'Were you waiting for me?' He asked, his face softening as he looked down at me.


Usually I would have already gone to bed because it was late. But today, I knew I wouldn't have been able to fall asleep as long as I wasn't sure Rindou was fine. Seeing him come back the other night covered in blood had been traumatizing to say the least.

He rubbed his thumb against my nape. 'Good girl.'

His praise caused a warm blush to bloom across my face and I quickly looked back in front of me to hide it from him. Rindou began to knead my sore shoulder muscles. His touch managed to make all of the tension I was feeling disappear.

'Hmmm, it feels good.'

'Oh yeah?'

I slightly ducked my head down to hide my deepening blush but only ended up exposing my neck more. A shiver ran down my spine when he slowly trailed kisses up my nape. 

Suddenly, he reached around me to take my book from my hands.

'What's that?' He asked as he leaned back up. 

I turned around to look at him again. 'A book.'

He grabbed my jaw with one hand, slightly squishing my cheeks together. 'Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. I meant where did you get it?'

His grip slightly loosened so I could answer. 'Ran gave it to me.'

His gaze went from my face to the book in his hand. I was taken aback by the brief flash of anger that crossed his face as he glared at his brother's gift.

'It's not a big deal, I just told him I liked to read and he gave it to me.' I quickly added, hoping this would be enough to ease the tension in the room.

A few seconds of silence passed before Rindou reluctantly gave me the book back. I kept my mouth shut as he silently got around the couch to sit next to me and leaned back. 

When he spoke up again, he didn't sound angry anymore, just... disappointed. 'Why did you never tell me you liked to read?'

'You never asked.' I sneaked a glance at his face.

Even in the dim light, I could see the dark circles beneath his eyes that bore proof of the tiring day he had just had. Without thinking, I pulled the blanket which was already covering my legs over Rindou's. His wandering gaze came up to my face and I quickly looked back down, embarassed by my own nice gesture.


'Hmmm?' I merely hummed in response and kept my eyes locked on my book for fear that my face would betray my emotions. But when Rindou took the book from my hands again, I had no choice but to look up at him. 

He caressed my face with a surprising gentleness. 'I wanna know everything about you. What you love, what you hate, what you've never told anyone... I don't want anyone else to tell me things about you that I'm not already aware of.'

Without another word, he pulled me closer to him. My head was now tipped to the side, resting on his shoulder.

'Could you read to me?' He asked, handing me my book. His request took me by surprise. 

'Y-yes of course.'

Rindou closed his eyes and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as I started reading  ''Pride and Prejudice" to him.

'Mr Bingley had soon made himself acquainted with all the principal people in the room. He was lively and unreserved-...'

A few minutes later, Rindou's breathing became even. I stopped reading and turned to look at him as he slept.

You said you want to know everything about me, Rindou. But I'm not sure you'll like what you discover.

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