Chapter 34

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt a pang of disappointment upon noticing that Ran wasn't next to me in the bed anymore. The dress I wore last night was all crumpled on the floor so I figured Ran wouldn't be mad if I went into his closet to find something to wear. The large black shirt I picked out to put on reached my mid-thigh and smelled like Ran's perfume. But soon, another familiar sweet smell invaded my nostrils. 

I walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where I found Ran making breakfast. It was truly a sight to behold: the red marks my nails had left on his skin last night and his back tattoo were on display as he was only wearing a pair of black boxers. I fought the urge to go wrap my arms around him and chose to sit at the marble kitchen island instead. 

Ran turned around when he heard the noise of the chair scraping against the floor. My heart squeezed at the way his lips curved into a smile when he saw me.

'Good morning.'

'Good morning.' I returned his smile before my eyes slid to the pan next to him. 'What are you making?'

'French toasts.'

My favorite.

Knowing how Ran had found out that this was my favorite breakfast was probably a mystery better left unsolved. I thanked him as he placed a plate with a French toast and slices of fruits in front of me.

'How are you feeling?' He asked me, leaning his elbows on the kitchen island to be eye level with me. This simple action caused my cheeks to heat up.

'I'm okay.' I quickly answered before looking back down at the plate in front of me.

A little appreciative 'hum' of pleasure escaped my lips as I took a bite of the French toast. Ran chuckled and reached over the counter to wipe some powdered sugar off the corner of my mouth. 

My breath caught at his gentle touch. Despite the fact that him and I had had sex last night, it was simple actions like these that got my heart racing.

'So, are you finally gonna tell me what happened last night? He asked me. 

I  honestly didn't want to talk about it but I guess I did owe Ran an explanation. 'I caught Rindou and Gina kissing in the bathroom.'

The way Ran's eyes widened at my confession revealed that he had no idea something was going on between his brother and Gina. 

He let out a sigh and leaned back up, crossing his arms over his chest. 'Is that the only reason you decided to come here last night?'

That was a trick question. The simple answer would have been ''yes'' because ultimately, walking in on Rindou and Gina kissing had been the reason why I had met Ran at his apartment. But in reality, it was much more complicated than that. Even when I had made up my mind about confessing my feelings for Rindou, I hadn't been able to completely get Ran out of my head either.

Ran seemed to take my silence for a 'yes' because the smile vanished from his face.

'You don't have to answer that.' He was clearly trying to sound detached but the way his body tensed as he turned around to face the pan showed that he was anything but relaxed. 

Not being able to resist the urge to stay away from him anymore, I got up from my chair and walked up to him from behind. 'Ran.'

Goosebumps rose on his skin when I grazed his back tattoo with the tip of my fingers.

'It wasn't the only reason.' I finally admitted.

He turned around to face me and easily lifted me up to put me down on the kitchen island.

'Do you even like me a little bit? I need to know.' He asked as he went to stand between my legs, his hands settling at the top of my inner thighs.

His intense gaze rendered me speechless for a few seconds. Collecting my thoughts was hard when he was so close that I could have counted each of his long eyelashes. 

Instead of answering, I returned the question. 'Do you?'

'God... Y/N.'

His breath exhaled on a half laugh. 'You really have no idea, do you?' He asked, slowly leaning in. 'Well then, let me make it clear: I'm in love with you.'

And there it was, his confession. But this time he hadn't waited for me to be asleep. He was staring deep into my eyes, his face doused in the morning light.

'If there's one thing you should know about me is that I never do anything halfway. I'm all in or all out. And with you, Y/N-' He paused to delicately tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. 'I'm all in.'

His eyes paced from my eyes to my lips as if he was using all of his self-control to not kiss me.

'Stay here.' He ordered me before walking to his bedroom. He came back a minute later, holding a rectangular envelope. 

I hesitantly took it as he handed it to me. 'What is it?' I asked, my eyes switching from the envelope to Ran.

'Open it.'

Following his order, I took a look at what was inside. 

Money. The envelope was full of to the brim with 10000 yen bills. 

My mouth hung slightly open as I looked back up at Ran. 'Why are you showing me this?'

'There's 500 million yen in there and it's all yours.'

All I could do was stare back at him in disbelief.

500 million yen... the sum of my dad's debt?

My eyes widened as the realization that Ran was paying off my dad's debt dawned upon me. If I accepted the money, it would mean that I was now free, that I wouldn't owe anything to Rindou or Bonten anymore.

'I can't accept that, Ran.' My first instinct was to try to give him the envelope back but he refused. 

When I tried to push it towards him for the fifth time, he caught both of my wrists to stop me. 'You can accept it and you will. Whether you choose me or Rindou and whether you decide to stay here or to leave, I want it to be your choice. Not mine, not Rindou's. Yours.'

He's right. It's really my choice now.

And I think I know what I want to do.

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