Chapter 40

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Himari had already left when Ran came back to his apartment an hour later. His face lit up when he saw me in his living room. 'What are you doing here ? I thought you were coming tonight?'

Before answering his question, I couldn't resist the temptation to rush over to him and give him a hug. I desperately needed of one after meeting his mother. 'I wanted to surprise you.'

'Surprise me, hmmm?' He wrapped his arms around my waist and bent down to capture my lips with his. 

I could feel him smile against me as his hand found its way under my fur coat but I caught his wrist to stop him. 'Wait.'

He slightly pulled away to look at me, his face scrunching up from worry. 'Something wrong?'

'No, everything's fine. It's just... I met your mom and Himari.'

The lines of worry on his face deepened. 'Was my mother mean to you?'

'No.' I looked down, unable to hold his gaze as I lied to him. 

He gently lifted my chin back up with one hand. 'You can tell me, you know.'

I did want to tell him about how awful my first meeting with his mom had been, but there was something even more important that we needed to talk about.

'I know about the ring, Ran.'

The look of concern on his face was quickly replaced by a look of anger. 'Fucking hell... ' He cursed under his breath, running a hand over his face. 'Of course my mother had to blow the surprise.'

'She didn't, actually. Himari did but it was an accident and... maybe it's a good thing that she told me about it.'


'Because...' I took a deep breath before continuing. 'I would have said no.'

Ran took a step back as if my words had caused him physical pain. 

I quickly explained myself. 'I mean, we've only been dating for a month. Don't you think it's too early to even think about getting engaged?'

'Why should we wait? I love you and I want to make you mine.' He answered without missing a beat.

I took a step towards him and pulled him in by his belt. 'I'm already all yours, Ran. Can't you see?'

A few seconds of silence passed as we gazed into each other's eyes. It was obvious that his thoughts were racing inside of his mind. And when his troubled eyes slightly narrowed with suspicion, I knew that the thought he had chosen to dwell on wasn't a pleasant one.

'Is it because of Rindou? Do you still have feelings for him?'

'No, this has absolutely nothing to do with Rindou.'

He slightly relaxed at my instant and assured answer.

'It's just that the only example I've ever had of what marriage is like is the one my parents gave me, and their relationship was horrible. My dad was violent and abusive and-'

'So what?' Ran interrupted me. 

My eyes followed him when he started nervously pacing back and forth in his living room.

'You think I could ever hit you? You think I would treat you like your dad did?'

'That's not what I meant. I know you're not like my dad.'

'Then, why won't you get engaged to me?'

'It's just too soon. There are so many things we're supposed to talk about before even considering getting engaged.'

'Fine, then let's talk about it now.' He said, stopping in front of me. 

'Ran-' I tried to stop him because I knew nothing good could come out of a discussion in such an already electric atmosphere, but he cradled my face with both hands before I could.

'You want to stay at home and do nothing but spend my money? Fine, I'll give you all the money in the world. Or you want to have a career as a nurse and work every day? Then I'll be the most supporting husband you could ask for. You want kids? Great. I'll become the best damn dad for them. You don't want kids? That's fine too. I'd be the happiest man in the world if I get to spend the rest of my life with you only.' He paused to catch his breath, slowly dragging his thumb over my bottom lip. 'Don't you understand, love? I'll do everything you want me to do and I'll be everything you need me to be. You just have to say yes.'

There was no place to hide from his ardent gaze that was burning me up inside. The only images my mind could conjure up in that moment were ones of what a happy future with him could look like. But the voice of reason kept telling me that getting engaged right now would be insane.

'I'm sorry, Ran. It's just too soon.'

I felt like I was suffocating but not because of the air saturated with tension around us; it was the words I had just said, choking me as soon as I had said them.

Ran let go of me and took a step back, making me instantly miss his warmth. A few seconds of complete silence passed where all I wanted to do was change my mind and say yes even though it was crazy.

'Maybe we should just break up.' His words stung my ear, sinking into my heart like a dagger.

'I don't want us to break up.'

Ignoring me, Ran walked to the door and opened it. 'I think you should leave.'

'Don't do that, please. Let's just talk about it.' I begged as I walked up to him.

I was suddenly aware of how time was running out for us. If I didn't do or say something within the next few seconds, me and Ran would really be done. But as I approached him, I could already feel he wouldn't let me into his mind again. He was right next to me, yet it was as if he was already gone. I felt powerless as I placed my hand on his arm, clinging onto someone who was trying to push me away.

Anyone witnessing this scene would have been able to see a mile off that Ran and I couldn't live without each other.

'Ran, please.' I implored him again in a desperate half-whisper.

'Just leave.' He ordered, shifting his gaze away from my tormented face.

Pain stabbed at my breaking heart with each step I took until I was out of Ran's apartment and inside the elevator.

I still held the hope that he would run back to me and tell me to stay before the door of the elevator closed.

But he didn't.

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