Chapter 35

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1 month later

The university campus was practically empty at this late hour apart from the few students coming back from their night classes. Me and Daiki, a new friend of mine, walked out of the building together.

'What grade did you get on the last assignment?' He asked me.

'I got an A.'

'How? It was so hard!'

'Well, I got a good teacher.'

A smile spread across my lips as I thought about all the private lessons Mr Tanaka gave me.

'Do you want to go eat something with me?'

I had to decline Daiki's invitation because I was already meeting up with someone. 'I can't tonight, sorry. Another time?'

'Sure, no problem.'

The two of us parted ways after saying goodbye. I was busy zipping up my jacket to protect myself from the cold night air when the faint sound of footsteps coming from behind me caught my attention. I whipped around only to see that there was no one else apart from me in the small street I was standing in.

Maybe I was just being paranoid but I still fastened my pace while I continued walking through the neighborhood. After a few minutes, I was convinced that the footsteps I could still hear behind me weren't just a product of my imagination. I only slowed down when I caught sight of the friend I was meeting up with.

He was smoking a cigarette, leaning his back against a brickwall.

'Hey, Mikey.' I greeted him.

His lips curled into one of his rare warm smiles as we locked eyes. 'Hey.'

He opened his arms in a silent invitation to come give him a hug which I gladly accepted. The two of us had grown closer over the past month. We regularly met up to go eat at a restaurant or simply to talk.

'What do you wanna do tonight?' I asked him as we pulled apart.

'I got somewhere to be later so I'll just walk you home.'


Nothing made me feel safer than being walked home by Mikey at night. The apartment I now lived in was small but pretty cozy. Plus, its location was perfect: it was only a few minutes away from the university I went to.

'How is he?' I asked Mikey who immediately knew who I was talking about. He took a long drag off his cigarette before answering.

'I'm not gonna lie to you, Y/N, he's not okay. He's gone off the rails since you left.'

The pang of guilt that hit me was a sensation I had grown familiar with. The decision I made a month ago was one of the toughest I had ever had to do in my life. But what was even harder was that I still wasn't a 100 percent sure I made the right one.

'How about you? Have you been sleeping better lately?' I asked Mikey to change the subject.

'Yeah. The melatonin complements you gave me helped a lot.'

'I'm glad.'

The two of us arrived in front of my apartment building a few minutes later.

'We'll see each other soon, right?' He asked me, affectionately ruffling my hair.

'Yeah. Goodnight, Mikey.'


I entered my apartment building and walked up the stairs to the third floor where I unlocked my door. But even inside of my apartment, I still couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched.

Heading to my bedroom, I took off my clothes and put on an oversized sweater that almost reached my knees. Some of my favorite memories I shared with Rindou came flooding back to me when I caught sight of the tattoo on my ribs in the mirror.

Before I could dwell on what was now the past, I walked out of my bedroom and went into my kitchen to start cooking dinner, the music coming from my wired earphones as my only companion. A squeak slipped past my lips when two hands grabbed my hips, pressing me against a hard chest. But I wasn't worried because I already knew the identity of the '' intruder'' standing behind me. 

Ran grabbed one of my earphones to put it in his left ear and his hands started moving my hips to the rhythm of the song playing. 'Not even wearing a pair of shorts today? Are you trying to tease me, already?'


My cheeky reply, combined with the way I rubbed my ass against his dick to tease him, was rewarded by a low groan from deep within his throat. 'Fuck.'

One of his hands reached around and slid under the elastic of my panties. But it quickly stilled its motion when my phone rang, interrupting our moment. I looked at the screen to check who was calling.

'Is it your dad again?' Ran asked me, his lips pressed to my ears.


After I had paid off my dad's debt with the money Ran gave me, I had decided to cut all ties with my father once and for all. But he was still trying to reach out every once in a while.

I put my phone on silent and turned around to face Ran. 'I saw Mikey today and he told me Rindou isn't doing well.'

Ran let out a sigh and brushed his hair back. 'Do you really want to talk about him right now?'


'He's fine, okay?'

'You're lying to me.'

A flicker of annoyance crossed his face at my accusation but I continued. 'The shooting at the strip club, was it Rindou?'

I had been following the news more closely lately in search of anything related to Bonten or its members. Two nights ago, there was a shooting in a strip club in Roppongi. That type of incident had ''Rindou'' and ''Sanzu'' written all over it.

'... Yes.'

My eyes widened at Ran's answer.

'Ran! How can you tell me Rindou is okay when he's literally shooting people?!'

He strode to the living room of my apartment where he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. Ran only smoked when he was nervous about something.

I went to stand a few meters away from him as he blew the smoke out of the opened window.

'Why are you so worried about Rindou anyway? Do you still have feelings for him?'

It was impossible not to notice the suspicion in his voice. 

'We've been through this, Ran. It's not because I don't live with Rindou anymore that I don't care about him or that I don't want him to be okay.'

When Ran stayed silent, I hugged him from behind. 'Ran, come on...'

He finally threw his cigarette out of the window before turning to face me. He rested his chin on my head as he hugged me back. 'I know Rindou probably just needs time to get used to the idea of us being together but... sometimes I'm still scared he will try to find you again.'

My heart skipped a beat.

Now might not be the right time to tell Ran someone was following me...

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