Part 2 -Chapter 2

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After Rindou and I got dressed and after he had untied my hands, we both settled in his living room. He sat on the couch, leaning his elbows on his thighs, his hands clasped together. His gaze followed me while I paced back and forth in front of him.

I told him everything: how I rejected Ran's proposal, how I found out a few days later that him and Ellie had gotten engaged, how Mikey offered to help me move to Seattle, how I inadvertently discovered Ellie was the one who had been blackmailing him and Ran, and finally, how I tried to blackmail her in return with compromising pictures of her father...

When I was done, I was practically out of breath. I halted and turned to Rindou who hadn't interrupted me once.

Out of all the reactions I had imagined he would have, staying silent was definitely not one of them. He was staring into space as if he needed time to process everything I had just confessed.

"Rin?" I called his name softly to pull him from his thoughts.

His gaze slowly came up to me but his lips stayed sealed. The longer he remained silent, the more I feared the inevitable moment he would explode.

I walked over to the couch and sat next to him, hesitating before placing a hand on his arm. "Rin, you're freaking me out. Say something."

When he finally spoke, his tone was cold, final. "I'm gonna fucking kill her."

The last word had barely slipped past his lips that he was already standing up and heading for the door. I quickly rose to my feet and ran to catch up with him.

"No you're not!" Grabbing him by the sleeve of his black hoodie, I stopped him before he could open the door.

He whirled around to face me. His nostrils flared. "I am. But I'm gonna make her suffer first."

The murderous gleam in his eyes caused me to take a few steps back, but Rindou matched each step I took like a shadow until my back hit the couch behind me. I had no choice but to stare up at him as he stopped in front of me. He placed his hands on either hand on the back of the couch, caging me in. 

"I'm gonna break her joints one by one until she begs me to fucking end her." He bit out.

Before he could turn back around to head for the door again, I fisted his hoodie with both hands to keep him close to me. 

I peeked up at his face. "This is exactly why Ran didn't want to tell you. He doesn't want you to hurt Ellie while she's pregnant. Don't you get that?"

His gaze narrowed to slits. "You're telling me Ran still wants to have a kid with this fucking monster?"

I sighed. "It's still his child too."

Rindou looked off to the side, clenching his jaw. I couldn't move because his arms were still trapping me against the couch so I let go of his hoodie and waited for him to calm down. One minute passed before he finally looked back at me. He seemed to have gotten a grip on his emotions. 

Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug and I stilled, surprised by the gesture. His arms were wrapped around me so tightly that I couldn't even hug him back. I could barely even breathe. I considered pushing him away for a second. In a weird way, it felt like I was betraying Mikey as if hugging Rindou was somehow even worse than sleeping with him, more intimate. But I didn't push Rindou away. I couldn't. Slowly, I closed my eyes, simply feeling his embrace and breathing him in. Another minute passed before I placed a hand on his back and gently rubbed up and down. I felt him slightly relax, his breath falling over the top of my head. 

"Rin? You okay?"

"At least I got my answer to my question." He whispered in my hair.

My brows knitted together in confusion. "What?"

Slightly pulling away to look at me, he wrapped one arm around my waist and cupped my cheek with the other, tipping my head to his. His eyes were staring down into mine without the murderous glint they'd held a mere minute ago. All that was left in them was... hope. 

"You still have feelings for me." He stated. "You were ready to leave Mikey, to leave Japan... for me."

"Rin..." I shook my head, my gaze dropping to his chest. "I'm in love with Mikey."

"For now." He replied.

When I shot my eyes up to his face again and opened my mouth to protest, he bent down and stopped when his lips were nearly on mine.

"Don't." I half-warned, half-pleaded.

But he bent down a little more, making my whole body freeze in his arms. And right when my eyes fluttered shut in anticipation, I didn't feel his lips touch mine. Instead, I felt them caress the side of my neck, followed by the tickle of his breath as he whispered. 

"I know how to deal with Ellie without hurting the baby but I'm gonna need you to trust me just one more time." 

I slowly opened my eyes again. Rindou stood back up and rested his forehead against mine.

"Can you do that for me, love?" He asked, gazing down into my eyes.

"Yes." I breathed.

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