Chapter 23

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'Rindou?' I called out his name from my bedroom. 

He walked in a few seconds later. 'Yeah?'

'Can you help me with my zipper?' I asked, turning my back to him to show him the zipper of the tight-fitting black dress I was wearing. 

Rindou stopped behind me and our eyes met in the mirror we were standing in front of. Holding my gaze captive, he slowly zipped up my dress before running his hands over my hips. 'You look beautiful, Y/N.'

I turned around to face him. 'You don't look too bad yourself. Wait, let me help with that.'

His tie was a little too loose so I fixed it. 'There.' I gazed up at his face and found him already staring down at me. 

His warm gaze always managed to make me feel so... beautiful. I guess I just never thought anyone would ever look at me like that. It was almost addicting.

'Y/N, I...' He rested his hand onto my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. '...I think I'm in l-'

His phone rang at that moment.

'Dammit.' Rindou cursed under his breath and pulled out his phone from his pocket. 'Sorry, I have to take this.' He excused himself before walking out of my bedroom.

What was he about to say?


'What did you and Mikey talk about this today?' Rindou asked me in the elevator. We were on our way to have dinner with Ran, Sanzu and Naomi.

'Everything and nothing...'

What Mikey had said earlier still lingered in my mind but I couldn't really talk about it with Rindou.

The only person I can talk about it with is Naomi. 

When the door of the elevator opened, Rindou placed a hand on the small of my back to lead me to the dining room at the end of the hallway. 

The two bodyguards I had already seen before greeted Rindou before turning to me. 'And good evening Mrs Haitani.'

My eyebrows raised in surprise. I looked at Rindou who was smirking. 

He leaned down to whisper in my ear as one of the bodyguards opened the door for us. 'I asked them to call you that. Do you like it?'

Before I could answer him, I locked eyes with Ran who was already sitting at the table. For a few seconds, our gazes stayed suspended in the air suddenly charged with tension. A tension Rindou didn't seem to be able to sense himself. 

'Hey.' He greeted his brother as we took our seats next to each other. 

I gave Rindou a small smile when he reached under the table to hold my hand in his. 

As if annoyed I wasn't paying any attention to him, Ran cleared his throat before speaking to me. 'Rindou told me you got a tattoo yesterday.' He swirled his wine and leaned back in his chair. His gaze was fixed on me as he spread his legs apart. 'Was it a good experience?'

Rindou and I exchanged a glance. The same knowing smile appeared on our faces while we remembered what had happened in the tattoo shop. 

Looking back at Ran, I caught the way his jaw clenched as his eyes switched between me and his brother.

'It was great.' I finally answered.

'What did you get tattooed?'

'An 'R'.'

Ran chuckled softly, his lips curving into a lopsided smirk. 'Oh yeah? I wonder what that stands for...'

Rindou's brows slightly furrowed as he looked up at his brother but luckily, our attention was caught by Sanzu who walked into the dining room at that moment.

The smile vanished from my face when I saw that instead of Naomi, the girl who was next to him was someone I had never seen before.

My breathing quickened and my thoughts raced but I did my best to keep my composure as the two sat down in front of Ran and I.

'Where's Naomi?' I asked.

A wicked gleam appeared in Sanzu's eyes as he gazed up at me.

'Where is she?' I repeated my question. 

As if sensing my anger grow, Rindou gave my hand a squeeze under the table. But his gesture did little to nothing to calm me down when Sanzu finally answered. 'I got bored of her.'

My heart skipped a beat as Naomi's words rang in my head.

''Sanzu will do what he did with all the girls before me. He'll get rid of me.''

Did he... kill her?

I stood up and slammed my palms against the table, my chair scraping against the floor. 'What did you do!'

Clearly amused by my outburst, Sanzu's smirk broadened. 'Seems like you already know what.'

Without thinking, I grabbed the glass of champagne in front of me and threw it in his face.


Rindou stood up and grabbed my arm to lead me out of the room but I fought back and turned to scream at Sanzu again.

'She said she liked you! She said she actually had feelings for you, you fucking monster!'

Rindou slapped a hand over my mouth and dragged me out of the room. As soon as the door closed behind us, I pushed him away from me.

'Did you know?'


'Did you know what he was going to do?' I screamed.

A few seconds of silence passed where the only noises filling the hallway we stood in were my quick breaths. Rindou ran a hand over his face and let out a sigh. 'Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't-'

He stayed still when I started beating my fists against his chest.

'I hate you! I hate all of you!' My punches started to slow down as tears burned my eyes. I let them well up and roll down my cheeks. 'Why... why would he do that...' I fisted Rindou's shirt and started to sob in his chest.

'I'm sorry, Y/N.' He whispered, wrapping his arms around me for comfort. 

After a minute, I pushed him away and glared at him. 'Just leave me alone.'

He didn't try to stop me when I shoved past him to get to the elevator. As soon as the door closed, I sank to the floor and burst into tears.

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