Part 2 - Chapter 4

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Ran and Mikey were standing a few meters away from Rindou and I. 

Silence fell over us in the parking lot, one still, long moment. Then, Ran started walking towards Rindou while my own feet carried me to Mikey. I stopped once Mikey and I were within a meter of each other.

I expected him to do something. Scream at me for leaving him, insult me for letting Rindou kiss me just now or something. Anything that would have betrayed the anger his body was almost imperceptibly vibrating with. But Mikey did none of that. His body language was pure restraint and it scared me more than if he would have exploded. 

"Mikey, it was Ellie-"

"I know," He quickly interrupted me, his jaw hardening. "I know everything."

"How?" I asked.

His eyes hooked on the two brothers behind me. "Rindou told Sanzu everything, who then told me and Ran everything."

I glanced over my shoulder and locked eyes with Rindou who was now hugging his brother, his chin set on Ran's shoulder. Tearing my eyes from him, I turned my head back to Mikey. I felt like I owed him an explanation and an apology, even though I had done all of this with the best intentions at heart.

"Mikey, I'm really sorry, I-" I started apologizing and took a step toward him, reaching for him, but he swatted me away and looked away from me.

"Let's not talk about this here. Let's go home first."

His voice was hard and cold, the opposite of what I needed it to be in that moment.

I nodded weakly. "Okay..."

He turned away from me and strutted back to his car and I followed behind him. He opened the car door for me and held it open while I slid into the passenger seat.

A few minutes later, we were driving back to his apartment.

Ellie was in jail and I hoped she'd stay there for a long time. As for Aki, Ran and Ellie's baby, I knew Ran would do everything possible to get full custody of him as soon as he was born. I should have felt relieved. It was all over. But the silence between Mikey and I was deafening and felt incredibly uncomfortable.

"Shouldn't we talk about everything that happened?" I asked him quietly.

Mikey kept his steady gaze on the road ahead of us. He hadn't looked at me once since we had gotten in the car and I wondered what emotion he was trying to keep himself from unleashing. It couldn't be a positive one.

"Let's go home first," He deflected coldly.

When we got home, we entered his apartment together and, as he was closing the door, I turned to him, ready to start the conversation that we needed to have, but Mikey walked right past me without sparing me a single glance. He strode through the living room and I followed after him, my gaze sweeping the outline of his shoulders which were stiff.

He walked into his kitchen and went straight to the shelf he kept his alcohol bottles on. He snatched one bottle of whiskey and I waited in the doorway while he poured himself a drink, his back still to me.

"Mikey?" His name was a question on my lips.

I walked over to him and stopped behind him as he downed his drink. He was already about to grab the whiskey bottle to pour himself a second glass when I reached one arm around him and placed my hand on his wrist to stop him.

His hands stilled their motion, then they dropped to the kitchen counter and gripped the edge.

"One letter," He whispered, his words dripping in bottled anger and raw pain. "One stupid fucking letter was all you were ready to leave me with so easily-"

"Easily?" I repeated, cutting him off. I shook my head no frantically even though he couldn't see me. "Mikey, choosing to leave you was nothing but easy. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make-"

"Yet, you still chose to leave me."

I slid my hand off his wrist and lowered my gaze.

I couldn't argue with his accusation.

"Just what do I need to do to be sure you won't leave me," He rasped.

I hugged him from behind, molding my front to his back.

"I won't leave you again, Mikey," I promised, dropping my head in the back of his and pressing a kiss to the Bonten tattoo on his nape. "It's over now. It's all over."

"I don't fucking believe you."

"Mikey, please," I choked on despair.

He turned around, forcing me to unwrap my arms from around him and to take a step back, but even now that he was facing me, he was still refusing to meet my eyes.

"I've been carrying this with me since you I knew you were coming back from Seattle to visit me," He started, reaching inside the pocket of his pants. He pulled out a small square velvet box and stared down at it as he held it in his palm. "It's an engagement ring."

The world began to spin as those four rough words fell on me like bricks.

"I want us to get married." He sucked in a wobbly breath, his gaze still riveted to the small box. "If that's what I can do to be sure you'll stay-"

"No." I gave my head a small shake.

"No?" He repeated in a pained whisper.

"I will not be proposed to like this. Not when you've just drunk." I grabbed his chin. He tried to jerk himself free from my hold but I tightened my grip and forcefully tilted his face down to mine in a vain effort to get him to meet my eyes. Once again, he averted his gaze to the side. "And when you won't even look me in the eyes," I added, letting go of his chin. "If you want me to be your wife and spend the rest of my life with you, then you better get on your knees and propose to me properly, Mikey."

His eyes finally flicked to mine. His chest rose and fell with a few shaky breaths, then, holding my gaze, he dropped to his knees, right there on the kitchen floor. Not on his knee, but on both of his knees, as if he was begging me more than asking me when he finally proposed to me in due form.

"Y/N L/N, will you marry me?"

"Yes," I breathed.

"Yes?" He repeated, blinking fast, as if he truly didn't believe I'd actually say yes.

"Yes, yes, yes," I cried, one sob breaking free from my chest.

His eyes watered. He managed to open the jewelry box and put the engagement ring on my finger with trembling hands.

Not being able to wait any longer to touch him, I reached down for him and pulled him up to his feet by his hoodie. He held my face between in his hands while pressing his lips to mine. Then, he hugged me and I melted into his strong arms as he wrapped me up tight. His fingers tightened around the back of my shirt as he pressed me impossibly closer to him.

Earlier that day, I felt like this was the end, but now, it felt like it was the beginning of something completely different.

Hopefully, the next chapter of my life would be better and less complicated than the few last ones.

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