Chapter 4

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At the end of dinner, the three gang members asked me and the other girl to step outside while they discussed private matters. We both walked out of the dining room and stopped far away enough from the two bodyguards to have a conversation.

'What's your name?' I asked her.

'Naomi. What's yours?'

'Y/N. Did Sanzu did this to you?' I asked, pointing to the bruise on her cheek. 

Naomi looked down at the floor. 'It's nothing. He was just drunk.'

'It's not nothing. You should get it looked at.'

Her eyes shot back up at my face. 'What are you? A doctor?'

'I'm a nurse student.'

'Were.' She corrected me. 'You were a nurse student.'


Naomi gave me a faint smile. 'I know it's hard but the faster you forget about your old life, the better.'

'How long have you been here?'

'A month but Sanzu's already getting bored of me so I don't think I have much time left.'

'What will happen to you after?'

'He'll do what he did with all the girls before me.'

When Naomi met my confused stare, she let out a sigh. 'He'll get rid of me.'

My heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, the door opened and Rindou walked out of the dining room first.

'Let's go.' He said as he walked past me and towards the elevator. I sneaked one last glance at Naomi before following him.

Right before the elevator door could close, Ran stepped inside with us. I was now standing between the two Haitani brothers.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Ran was looking at me. As I sneaked a discreet glance at his face, I realized just how much taller than me he was.

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips when he caught me staring and I quickly looked back in front of me.

Something touched my shoulder but I thought I had imagined it until the umistakable feeling of a hand trailing down my back made me shiver.

The elevator door opened with a ping and Ran took his hand off me before walking out. He shot his brother one last look. 'I'll see you tomorrow.'

As soon as he was out of sight, I felt myself relax a little bit. But my respite was short-lived when Naomi's words rang in my head again.

''He'll get rid of me.''

Rindou and I walked out of the elevator and into the penthouse. I watched as he took his suit jacket off.

'How long do I have?' I asked, breaking the silence. 

Rindou turned to look at me. 'What?'

'How long are you planning on keeping me here before you get bored of me and replace me with someone else?'

We stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. My heartbeat seemed so loud in my ears that I hoped Rindou wasn't able to hear it as well.

'I don't think you understand.' He finally said. 

I took a few steps back as he walked up to me. My back hit the wall and Rindou planted his hands on either side of me. 

He lowered his face to my level. 'I'll never get bored of you. If anything, you'll probably get bored of me first. But even if you do, I'll never let you leave my side.'

I closed my eyes as he lifted a hand and ran a finger down my cheek in a soft caress.

'You're mine now. Not for a day, or a week, or a month.'

His finger trailed down my neck and slightly down my cleavage.


My breathing caught in my throat when his finger trailed down between my breasts. Suddenly, he pulled his hand away and took a step back.

'I'm not like Sanzu. I don't take pleasure in unwilling women.'

With that, Rindou walked away and stopped in front of a door.

'I'll sleep in another room so just go get some rest.'

When he closed the door behind him, I headed to the bedroom I had woken up in earlier.

Rindou's words echoed in my head as I laid down on the silky sheets.

''You're mine now''

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