Chapter 30

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Rindou's apartment was full of people I had never met before. They all looked extremely wealthy which is why I was happy that the black satin dress I had bought earlier was both elegant and flattering. It was backless and there was a split that came up to my mid-thigh.

Because Rindou was the one supposed to bring Ran to the surprise party, he had left earlier this afternoon and would be coming back with his brother any minute now. I felt a little lost without him as I walked through the crowd of strangers who were all already engrossed in conversation.

The group of Bonten's higher-ups were in one corner of the living room. Kokonoi, Kakucho and another man I didn't know were talking to each other. They were in the company of younger women who were holding their arms. 

Sanzu was also next to them with Gina. A shiver ran down my spine when our eyes locked from across the room. His gaze was almost predatory as he smirked at me and licked his lips. He probably felt free to mess with me in Rindou's absence. But instead of dignifying him with a reaction, my eyes swept over the room in search of one particular white-haired man.

'Looking for someone?'

I turned around to face the person I had been thinking about only two seconds ago.

'Hi, Mikey.'

The leader of Bonten had ditched his usual casual clothes for a black shirt and a pair of black fitted pants. He slightly leaned down to take my hand in his and bring it to his mouth.

'You look beautiful.' He complimented me before planting a kiss on my knuckles.

'Thank you.'

His hand gave mine a light squeeze before letting go. The dark circles under his eyes caught my attention as he leaned back up. They were slightly bigger than the last time I had seen him.

'Are you getting enough sleep, Mikey?'

A small smile crept across his face when he saw my brows furrow with concern for him. 'Don't worry about me.'

At that moment, a man called his name from the other side of the room.

'Fucking hell. Why can't they ever leave me alone...' Mikey muttered under his breath.

'Should I expect to find you in hiding on the rooftop later tonight?' I asked jokingly, referring to the first time we met. Mikey chuckled softly.

He wrapped a strand of my hair around his fingers and stroked it with his thumb before gazing back into my eyes. 'Probably. We'll talk later, yeah?'

I nodded in response and watched him walk towards the man who had called him.

'Shit.' A woman cursed under her breath, catching my attention. She was standing a few feet away from me and had just spilled a little bit of champagne on her dress. I went to the kitchen to grab napkins and walked up to her.


She looked up at me as I handed her the napkins.

'Thank you.' Her smile was genuine, contrary to those of the majority of the people around us. She cleaned her dress as best as she could before looking back up at me. 'I'm Ellie by the way.'

I shook the hand she was holding out and returned her smile. 'I'm Y/N.'

Ellie was very tall and had warm brown eyes. There were multiple earrings and piercings on each of her ears. Her hair was cut short and dyed red.

'I love your hair.'

'Oh, thank you. I love yours too.' She returned the compliment. 

I had indeed made an extra effort with my appearance today. The hour I had spent curling my hair had paid off. It now fell beautifully across my back and shoulders in smooth waves.

'Who did you come here with?' Ellie asked me.

'I actually live here.'

Her eyes slightly widened in surprise. 'You live with Rindou?'


'Oh, I didn't know he was dating someone.'

Rindou's words rang in my mind.

''She's my girlfriend.''

That's how he had introduced me to his friends earlier this afternoon so I guess it did mean that we're together. Our relationship had always been far from conventional so it was a little bit confusing.

'Who did you come here with?' I asked Ellie.

'I came here alone. Rindou is the one who asked me to come tonight, actually. He said I'm going to be another one of his surprises for Ran.'

Ellie let out a chuckle and took another sip of her drink, completely unaware of the way her words had caused my heartbeat to quicken.

'...''One of his surprises''?'

'Yeah, Ran and I dated for a few months about a year ago. Rindou believes that he might not be over me yet. He asked me to come so me and Ran could make up.'

'Who broke up with who?' I asked her before quickly adding: 'If you don't mind me asking.'

Ellie's smile slightly wavered as if a hurtful memory had just flashed through her mind. 'Ran broke up with me. I always felt like he was never a 100 percent in anyway. Which is why I was really happy when Rindou told me that he might still have feelings for me. I just honestly don't think I'll ever meet another man like him, you know. I mean look at them...'

Following her line of sight, I saw the she was looking at the group of Bonten's members.

'The crimes, the power, the money... it got to all of them.'

I knew she was right. The dark circles under Mikey's eyes, Sanzu's alcohol and drug addiction and the younger women holding each of Kokonoi and Kakucho's arms bore proof of her statement.

I looked back at Ellie when she spoke again. 'Ran and Rindou are the only ones who seemed to have stayed true to themselves.'

Will it all get to them too? Will they inevitably change? Will I too or... Have I already?

Kokonoi waved his hands in the air at that moment, catching everybody's attention. 'Everyone be quiet. They're coming.'

A few seconds of complete silence passed before the door of the penthouse opened.

'Surprise!' All of us screamed as the Haitani brothers walked in together. 

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that Rindou's arm was wrapped around Ran's shoulders, showing that the two of them had finally made up after their fight.

If Ran was surprised, it didn't show on his face at all. He exuded confidence as he strode through the room to get in the middle of the crowd. He was wearing a gray vest over a white shirt. He loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the beginning of a tattoo on his left forearm. A waiter came up to him to give him a glass of champagne. The silver rings on his fingers reflected the lighting of the living room as he raised the glass in the air to start his speech, one of his hands still buried in the pocket of his fitted pants.

'Thank you all for coming tonight...' His voice trailed off when his gaze settled on me. 

His mouth hung slightly open as his eyes drunk in my hair, my dress and my high heels. Even from a distance, his reaction caused heat to rise to my face. He only looked away from me when his brother gently elbowed him in the ribs. 

Rindou whispered something in Ran's ear, making his eyes slide to Ellie who was still standing right next to me. She gave her ex a small wave and a smile. 

I read Rindou's lips as he whispered in his older brother's ear again.

''I hope you like your gift.''

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