Chapter 16

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'Sir?' One of the Haitani's bodyguards stopped Rindou in the lobby of the building. Him, his brother and I had just come back from the restaurant.

'What is it?'

'Sano's asking to see you, sir.'

Rindou let out a sigh before turning to look at Ran. 'Take Y/N back to the penthouse and you-' His eyes slid to me and he came closer to plant a quick kiss on my forehead. 'I'll see you later, 'kay?'

Rindou walked away with two of his bodyguards while Ran and I walked to the elevator.

As soon as the door closed behind us, Ran tried to to pull me closer to him but I quickly slapped his arm away and took a step back. 'Don't touch me.'

He let out a chuckle, clearly unfazed by the glare I was giving him. 'What's wrong?'

'You really thought I'd never found out you're the one who assaulted my mom?'

His purple eyes slightly widened and his smirk vanished. After a few seconds, he took a step towards me. 'That's not what happened-'

'Did you or did you not hurt my mom, Ran?'

'I didn't.'

'Liar!' Without thinking, I slapped him across the face. The sound reverbarated off the walls of the quickly ascending elevator. 

Ran slowly turned his head back towards me.

'You're! A! Liar!' I shouted, beating my fists against his chest three times before he grabbed my wrists.

'Stop it.'

'Just leave me alone!'

He slapped a hand over my mouth and pushed me against the elevator wall. I tried to push him away but he was too strong for me.

When the door of the elevator opened a second later, Ran kneeled and wrapped an arm around my legs before lifting me to carry me over his shoulder.

'Don't fucking touch me!' I beat my fists against his back as he carried me inside Rindou's penthouse. 

He easily kicked my bedroom door open with his foot and dropped me on my bed. My wrists were quickly pinned down above my head. 

'Let me go!'

Ran hovered above me and slapped his free hand over my mouth once again. 'You are going to listen to me.'

I gazed up at him with wide eyes.

'Your dad hadn't been paying his debts to us for months. I told him I would come for his family because I knew he had enough money to pay what he owed me and yet, he still chose to endanger the lives of his wife and daughter.'

Ran's words felt like a slap in the face. I wanted to turn my head so he wouldn't see the tears burning my eyes but I couldn't. His gaze transfixed mine, the same way it had all those years ago in the hallway the hospital.

'I asked a few of my guys to threaten your mom, yes. But I never asked them to rough her up the way they did.'

He finally let go of my wrists to cup my cheek. My eyes squeezed shut as more tears rolled down my face.

'It was just a misunderstanding, I swear.' He whispered.

My teary eyes fluttered open and met Ran's. Ever so slowly, he slid his hand off my mouth. I stayed completely still when he bent down to brush his lips against my cheek.

'I'm sorry.' He whispered.  Then, he traced my jawline. 'I'm so, so sorry.' He repeated. His lips finally brushed against mine.  'Will you forgive me?'

Incapable of answering him, I tried to turn my head but he grabbed my jaw before kissing me deeply, enjoying the taste and feel of me despite the mix of salty tears.

His tight grip made me whimper. But he swallowed the sound right into his own mouth and dipped his tongue past my lips.

I managed to break the kiss by pressing my palms against his chest to push him away.

'I need time to think.' I said, averting my gaze. 

He got off of me and walked away but not without turning one last time to look at me.

'I know I hurt you in the past but you deserve to be treated right. And I'll be waiting here until you let me.'

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