Chapter 27

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The next morning, I woke up with a headache and a growing feeling of guilt at the pit of my stomach. Rindou was still sound asleep next to me, one of his arms wrapped around my waist. I tried not to wake him up as I quietly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

The scalding water managed to soothe my body but not my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened between Ran and I last night. But also about my fight with Rindou, followed by his unexpected confession.

Is he really in love with me? Am I in love with him? Should I have said 'I love you' back? Is he mad that I haven't said it back yet?
God, this is just making my headache worse!

Too engrossed in thought, I didn't hear Rindou step into the shower behind me. I gasped when he wrapped an arm around me to have me leaned into him.

'Good morning, beautiful.'

His affectionate greeting and the smile that could be heard in his deep morning voice made my heart melt.

'Good morning, Rindou.'

He slowly trailed kisses up my neck while one of his hands reached around to travel lower until he could drag his fingers along my folds. A soft moan escaped my lips and my eyes fluttered shut. But the fact that I was enjoying his touch so much only intensified the feeling of guilt inside of me. I grabbed his hand to stop its motion.

'What's wrong?' He asked, punctuating his question with another flick of his finger over my clit.

'W-we can't do it now. I have a private lesson with Mr Tanaka in fifteen minutes.'

He must have sensed that that was only partially the truth because he grabbed me by the waist to turn me around.

'Hey.' Rindou tilted my chin up so our eyes could meet. 'If it's about what I said yesterday-' He started, as though he could tell his confession was on the forefront of my mind. 'You don't have to say it back now, you know. Just say it when you're ready.'

Tangling my fingers in his lavender hair, I stood on my tippy toes so I could hug him and set my head on his shoulder. 'Thank you, Rindou.'

'For what?' He asked, wrapping both arms around my waist.

'For being patient, for being so caring, for being... you.'

He let out a chuckle and gently pulled away from me. A teasing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. 'Isn't it too early to be this sentimental?'

'Shut up.' I playfully slapped his chest but gulped hard when my gaze dropped to his tattoo and his abs. Even though I had already seen it all before, this sight had the same effect on me every time. Heat rose to my face and I whipped around.

Two strong arms reached on either side of me to grab the soap and the washing mitt.

'Shouldn't we help each other, love?'

The barely concealed teasing edge in his voice, combined with the feeling of his erection pressing against my ass, was too much.

'I... I should g-get ready.' I stuttered as I quickly stepped out of the shower. 

Rindou's chuckle could be heard over the noise of the running water.



'We're having lunch at a restaurant with Ran and Sanzu today.'

My mood instantly shifted. To say that I did not want to see Sanzu would have been an understatement. The feeling was undoubtfully mutual.

As for Ran... It's not that I didn't want to see him. I was just scared my face would betray my emotions.

'Gina will be coming too.' Rindou added.

'Gina?' I don't recall ever hearing that name before.

'Sanzu's new girl.' He replied and stepped out of the shower at that moment, noticing how my face was now set in a deep scowl. 

He wrapped a towel around his hips and went to stand behind me. 'I thought you could talk to her, become friends-'

'No.' I quickly interrupted him. My eyes were misty as they met his in the mirror in front of us. 'Why would I get close to her when she might get killed the next week by that fucking monster. I can't lose someone again, I can't...'

Rindou hugged me from behind when my lips started quivering.

'I promise I won't let Sanzu hurt her. I won't let that ever happen again.' He sounded sincere. I so desperately wanted to believe him that I ended up complying.

'Alright... I'll talk to her.'


After my lesson with Tanaka, I got in the car Rindou had sent for me to join them for lunch. By now, I shouldn't have been surprised by the type of expensive restaurant they could afford to eat at. Hell, they probably could have bought each of the five stars restaurants in this city if they had wanted to. But my eyes still widened in admiration as I stepped inside of the luxurious place.

The two imposing bodyguards made it quite easy to spot them. The first person I locked eyes with as I made my way to their table was the woman sitting next to Sanzu. Assuming it was Gina, the one Rindou had told me about this morning, I gave her a smile and a small wave.

She looks a little older than me, I noticed.

Her hair was dyed strawberry blonde but her roots were brown. For a split second, a flicker of something akin to annoyance crossed her face as if my sudden arrival was somehow bothering her. But then, her lips slowly curved into a smile mirroring mine. Hers seemed fake though, a little forced.

Can I really blame her? I, too, wouldn't want to smile if I was sitting next to Sanzu.

I decided to brush the weird feeling aside for now.

Upon seeing me approach, Rindou and Ran both swiftly stood up at the same time to pull my chair out. By the way the atmosphere turned slightly tensed when they exchanged a look, I came to the conclusion that the two brothers hadn't made up after their ''fight'' yet.

Ran sat back down and I thanked Rindou as I took the seat he had saved for me, which was unfortunately located between his and his brother's.

After a waiter had come to take my order, Rindou reached under the table to take my hand in his while he continued his conversation with Ran and Sanzu. The pink-haired Bonten higher-up surprisingly hadn't even spared me a glare or hateful comment yet. Rindou must have warned him not to talk to me unless he wanted a second glass of champagne to be thrown in his face.

A warm blush crept up my neck when Ran placed a hand on my leg under the table. He slowly slid it up my thigh until I nudged his foot with mine, silently asking for him to stop.

I sneaked a sideway glance at him before giving a discreet nod towards the bathroom of the restaurant.

I hoped the message was clear.

We need to talk.

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