Chapter 32

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The stark choice Ran made me face was tearing at my heart. I couldn't stop sneaking glances at the clock on the wall. The closer we got to midnight, the more my anxiety grew inside of me. 

I had no idea what to do. The fact that I was currently sitting on Rindou's lap wasn't helping. His left arm was wrapped around my waist, his other hand resting on my thigh. He was having a conversation with Ran, Sanzu, Kokonoi and Kakucho who were all sitting with us on the leather couch in the living room.

Even though I was trying really hard not to look at Ran, we locked eyes several times. And everytime we did, my breathing would pick up a pace because I knew we were both thinking about the same thing: his ultimatum.

'Are you okay?' Rindou asked me, his arm tightening around me.

'Yeah, I just think I need to get some fresh air.'

'I can go with you-'

'No it's fine.' I quickly interrupted him. 

The truth was, I needed time to think but it was impossible to do when I was painfully aware of the several pairs of eyes that were scrutinizing each of my movement. Not only Ran's, but Sanzu's and Gina's as well; This was in addition to the stares I was getting from complete strangers who were just curious about Rindou and I's relationship.

'Alright, then.' Rindou curled his hand around my throat and tilted my head towards him so he could give me a quick kiss before I stood up from his lap.

Getting out of the apartment, I walked up the stairs leading to the rooftop of the building. Even though I had been living in Rindou's penthouse apartment for a few weeks now, I had never actually gone on the rooftop. The view on Tokyo at night was truly breathtaking. But unfortunately, admiring the way the city lights illuminated the sky wasn't enough to take my mind off my dilemma.

I looked over my shoulder upon hearing footsteps getting closer. Mikey was the one approaching me, both of his hands buried in his pockets.

'I knew we'd meet each other on the rooftop again.' I said, making him chuckle.

He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and used his lighter to lit it. The both of us turned to face the view, standing a mere inches away from each other. 

He must have sensed that I was thinking hard about something because he leaned his right elbow against the steel railing and turned to the side look at me. 'What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?'

I turned to the side to face him.

It's really weird how comfortable I felt in his company despite the fact that we had only met two times before tonight and despite the fact that he was one of the most dangerous men in Tokyo. Under his cold facade of ''the leader of Bonten'', all I could see was a normal man who had probably gone through a lot of traumatic things, a man surprinsingly easy to talk to.

'Can I ask you something, Mikey?'

'Ask away.'

'Do you think it's possible to be in love with two people at the same time?'

'I don't know...' He took a long drag off his cigarette while thinking.  'Two completely different people can give you the exact same things : a sense of security, respect, loyalty, admiration,... One of the two people might even fill the gaps the other person simply can't fill. '

The wind blew a strand of my hair across my face that Mikey delicately brushed away and tucked back behind my ear. 'They might have different personalities and make your heart melt in different ways but... at the end of the day, I think we're all meant to give our heart to one person and one person only.'

I looked back at the city as I processed his words.

At the beginning, the last thing I wanted was to stay here. And yet, now it would be hard to imagine a life without Rindou and Ran. I got attached to both of them, more and faster than I probably should have. But now that Rindou had confessed his feelings for me, I couldn't continue to be close to both him and his brother. I just couldn't.

What Mikey said was right. It wasn't my choice to fall in love with two people at the same time, but what I can choose is who I'll give my heart to.

A gust of cold night air swept past me, making me shiver. 'I should probably go back inside.'

Mikey nodded in response. His eyes slightly widened when I cupped his cheek and gently rubbed his dark circle with my thumb.

'Try to take care of yourself, yeah? Get some more sleep.'

I expected him to make fun of me for acting like his ''mom'' or something, but instead, a genuine smile crept across his face. 

He placed his palm over my hand that was still cupping his cheek. 'I will.'

I walked down the stairs and back into Rindou's apartment. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at the clock on the wall. It was now 11:58 pm. Ran wasn't sitting on the couch anymore. He had probably sneaked out of his birthday party a few minutes ago and was now waiting for me in his apartment like he said he would.

But my mind was made up: I wouldn't be joining him.

My eyes swept over the living room in search of the one I had chosen but couldn't find him. I walked up to Kokonoi and Kakucho who were still sitting on the couch.

'Have you seen Rindou?'

'I think he went to the bathroom.' Kokonoi answered me. 

I couldn't help but sneak another quick glance at the clock as I walked past it. It was now midnight. As if this choice wasn't already hard enough, a memory of Ran reading my favorite book to me flashed through my mind. But I continued walking to the bathroom to join Rindou.

I'm going to tell him I love him tonight.

Pounding frantically behind my ribcage was my erratic heart, threatening to burst out. I took a deep breath as I placed my hand on the doorhandle. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when I finally opened the bathroom door.

Rindou and Gina were kissing. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and she was pushing him against the wall. 

The door I had to lean against as my legs threatened to buckle under me let out a creak, making their heads snap in my direction. Time seemed to stand still as Rindou and I locked eyes. He pushed Gina away from him so hard that he sent her tumbling backwards until she fell to the floor.

'Y/N, wait! That's not what you think!'

Ignoring Rindou, I ran as fast as I could out of the apartment and into the elevator. 

The button I pressed was the one of the floor right under Rindou's. 

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