Chapter 52

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At this hour of the afternoon, the streets of Tokyo were awash with activity, with people coming and going. The smell of ground coffee beans invaded my nostrils as I slipped inside the safety of a small and cozy café. My eyes sought Ran who was sitting by himself at one of the tables in the corner of the room. The only few other customers present, a group of teenage girls, were all watching Ran, but he never once looked away from me while I made my way to him.

'Hey.' He greeted me as I sat across from him.

'Hey. Is this for me ?' I asked, pointing a finger at the piece of red velvet cake in front of me.

'Yeah. You said it was your favorite.'

I did say that. Once. And for some illogical reason, the fact that he remembered this small thing after all this time made my heartbeat stutter.

'Thank you.'

I picked up the fork and brought a small piece of cake to my mouth. For a moment, I closed my eyes to savor the taste. When I opened them again, I found Ran watching me. He was leaning forward with one elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand. Maybe he thought that taking a sip of his coffee would hide the beginning of his smile from me. But it didn't.

'What?' I asked.

By the time he laid his cup back on the table, he still hadn't managed to wipe the smile off his face. 

'Nothing. You just look really pretty today.'

My cheeks were so warm, I'm pretty sure they turned the same color as the scarlet pastry on my plate. I awkwardly cleared my throat and abruptly dived into the topic we were meeting up to talk about. 'So I thought of a way we could avoid Rindou's marriage with Sierra. Ellie came for someone we both-'

I stopped myself right before the next word could slip out of my mouth, but my eyes widened when I realized what I had just been about to say.

"Someone we both love."

' Someone we both... care about. And I think we should do the same. We are going to come for someone she cares about.'

It was the first time vengeance was on my mind. I was mad. No, furious. And for once, this anger wasn't directed at myself but at someone else. Facing my emotions instead of burying them like I usually did felt strangely good. 

Ran leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs apart and resting one arm on the back of his chair. 

'An eye for an eye, huh?'

'An eye for an eye.'

The same malice shone brightly in mine and Ran's gazes as we looked at each other. 

'Does she have any brothers or sisters?' I asked.


'What about her parents?'

'She's very close to her dad.'

'What do you know about him?'

'His name is Genji. He's 57. He lives in Harajuku. He's a politician and he's running for election-'

'Bingo.' I interrupted him, a gleam in my eyes. 

Maybe Ellie had gotten her acting skills from her dad. After all, many politicians mastered their poker face over the years, perfecting their ability to hide their emotions and real intentions.

'If we can get dirt on Ellie's father, then we can blackmail Ellie with this and beat her at her own game.' I voiced my thoughts. 

Ran looked off to the side as he processed my idea. 

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