Chapter 53

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Going to Ran's apartment felt like playing the lottery to me; I never knew what was about to happen. A year ago, I used to regularly come here with a swarm of butterflies in my stomach at the thought of spending time with the man I was in love with. Then one fateful night, I had walked down this hallway without knowing I was about to find out Ran had gotten engaged to someone else. And just a few days ago, I had walked down this same hallway to go to Ellie's party without knowing I was about to find out she wasn't who she pretended she was.

Today, as I strode down the hallway, ready to confront Ellie about her blackmail, emotions were crowding in my chest: anger, anticipation, and a sliver of pride and satisfaction. Ran had dug out dirt on Genji, Ellie's father. Apparently, the face of Tokyo's conservative party liked to visit brothels in his free time which wouldn't make his supporters very happy.

Inhaling for courage, I knocked on the door.

Evil had the name and face of the woman who opened the door with a wide grin upon her lips. 'Y/N? What are you doing here?'

Ellie was wearing a pair of leggings and a sports t-shirt. She was resting her hand on her 9- months baby bump. But I wasn't about to let the melting sight tug at my heartstrings.

'We need to talk.'

Ellie's smile faltered at the harshness of my tone.

'Oh, sure. Come in.' She pushed herself to the side so I could walk inside her apartment. Suddenly, I skidded to a halt when I saw who was sitting at the kitchen island.


He flicked a slow gaze at me over the rim of his glass of water, and when his soft lavender eyes met mine, they widened. 'Y/N? What are you doing here?'

I wanted to return the question, but then my gaze dropped to his outfit. With a pair of dark gray sweatpants, a large white t-shirt, and sports sneakers, Rindou looked much younger than he did when he wore a suit.

'Rindou offered to be my partner for my Lamaze class.' Ellie explained, approaching me from behind. Her proximity caused the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. 

"Lamaze class"?

The look of confusion on my face must have been obvious because she explained.' It's a class that teaches women how to cope with pain during their labor. I usually need a partner to do the exercises so any time Ran or one of my friends can't accompany me, Rindou comes with me. The women in my class all love him!'

The small giggle she let out made my the anger in my veins simmer. How could she look at Rindou in the eyes when she was the reason he was getting forced to marry Sierra?

' So what did you want to talk to me about?' Ellie asked me, pulling me from my heinous thoughts all directed at her.

I couldn't confront her about the blackmail in front of Rindou because he still believed his mother was the one responsible for his arranged marriage. Ran wanted it to stay that way. He dreaded the way Rindou would react if he found out Ellie wasn't who she pretended she was. I didn't think he would get violent and try to seriously hurt her or the baby, but... I couldn't promise it either.

'You know what? I'll just come back another day.' I finally told Ellie, turning around to walk back to the door.

A frown contracted her brows. 'Oh, are you sure?'


'Okay then. See you soon! Have a safe way home!'

It took all of my self-restraint to force a convincing smile on my face. 'I will. Take care of yourself Ellie.'

A thousand insults were rushing in my head as I entered the elevator and pushed the button of the lobby, but right before the door could slide shut, a hand forcefully pushed it back open. 

Rindou stepped inside and went to stand next to me. To my surprise, he didn't push the last button, the button of his floor, and simply waited for the door to close.

Stuck between the four steel walls, I prayed he couldn't hear how fast being next to him made my heart pump in my chest.

'How are you doing?' I finally broke the silence, sneaking a quick sideways glance at him.

'Never better.' He replied sarcastically, his gaze still riveted on the elevator door in front of us.

Few people would have picked up on the signs of stress he was displaying, but I did. I knew Rindou too well not to notice the way his jaw was ticking with tension or the dark circles the lighting of the elevator made more prominent.

'You're not going to get married to Sierra. I won't let that happen.' The promise slipped out of my mouth so naturally, I couldn't have held it in. I just wanted - needed - Rindou to know he wasn't alone, even if he felt like it.

A few seconds of silence passed during which I could practically feel the intensity of his gaze on my face, the pressure of it almost palpable.

'I fucking knew it.' He finally said.

I heard the smile in his voice before I turned to him. Just like I had forgotten how much younger Rindou looked when he was wearing casual clothes instead of a suit, I had forgotten how handsome he looked with one of his rare genuine smiles on his face. Something had sparked to life in his eyes and I could practically feel the energy my words had breathed into him.

'Knew what?'

'You still have feelings for me.'

I wished I sounded as confident as him when I quickly answered:

'No, I don't. But...' I paused, turning to face the elevator door again. '...that doesn't mean I want to see you get married to someone like Sierra.'

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rindou study my side profile for a moment before he turned to face the door again.

' So you still care about me? A little bit?' He asked.

Not a little bit, a lot. Way more than I wish I did, I thought but simply hummed in response. 

My breathing turned shallow when his hand lightly brushed against mine before he interlocked his fingers with mine.

When the time finally came to step out of the elevator and go our seperate ways, Rindou and I both carried a similar smile out the elevator, as well as a flicker of hope for the future.

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