Chapter 29

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Warning: smut

The next morning, I was up at the crack of dawn. Falling asleep had been impossible when Gina's words wouldn't stop ringing in my ears. The choice she had given me wasn't really that much of a choice. Between letting her tell Rindou everything about Ran and I or kissing Ran in front of Rindou once in exchange of her silence, the option I picked was obviously the second one. I felt like I had to preserve Rindou's relationship with his brother at all costs. He had told me himself that the two of them had always been there for each other. At least with the second option, the blame would be on me and not on Ran. Plus, all Gina said was that I had to kiss him. She didn't specify how or when or-

'You're up early.' Rindou interrupted my train of thought as he walked into the kitchen where I was busy making pancakes. Cooking had always eased my anxieties.

'Yeah, I couldn't sleep.'

'Is something wrong?'

It's not like I could tell him about Gina and the deal she had offered me, so instead, I simply said:

'No, nothing.'

'Did I ever tell you how much I love seeing you wear my t-shirts?' He asked, pressing his body against mine from behind.

Using Rindou's oversized t-shirts as my pyjamas had become a habit of mine. I loved the fact that it smelled like him: bitter citrus intertwined with salty nuances.

'I'm hungry.' He whispered against my nape.

'Here.' I gestured to the pile of pancakes I had already made.

'That's not what I'm craving.'

He easily turned me around and hooked his hands under my thighs to lift me up. I had to wrap my legs around his waist as he carried me across the room.

'What are you doing?' I asked when he put me down on the kitchen table.

'I said I was hungry, didn't I?'

He grabbed my throat with one hand to force me to lay down on the table while his free hand reached under my t-shirt. In one swift motion, my panties were yanked down my legs and thrown to the floor. Rindou let go of my throat to grab both of my ankles and prop them up on his shoulders.

His finger slowly slid along my slit. 'My, my. Already wet.'

His lips curled into a smirk as he showed me the fluid of my arousal on the tip of his index.

He ducked down between my legs and closed his warm mouth around my sex. I almost screamed when the tip of his tongue first teased my clit. I bucked my hips into his mouth and couldn't stop squirming from the stimulation. His grip on my thighs tightened to hold me in place.

Rindou stood back up and peered down at me with sly eyes. 'If you don't stop moving so much, I'm not gonna let you come.'

Using the arousal dripping down my legs as lube, he easily slipped two fingers inside of me.

'Fuck, Rindou...' I threw my head back when he curled his digits up just right.

'Look at you.'

The smirk could be heard in his voice. His hand tightly grabbed my throat again, making me choke on a breath.

'All it takes is this-' His fingers curled to hit the sensitive spot inside of me one more time. 'And you're at my mercy.'

He bent down to capture my lips with his while his fingers kept sliding in and out of me at a steady pace.

'Tell me how good it feels, love.' He muttered into the kiss, punctuating his sentence with a rough circle of his thumb against my clit.

'I-it feels s-so good, Rindou.'

'Oh yeah?'

His hand came up to meet mine, our fingers intertwining. I squeezed his hand as my hips shook under the pressure of my orgasm. Rindou slowly slipped his fingers out of me and grabbed my panties to slid them back up my legs. The affectionate, yet simple gesture made my heart melt.

'Come here.' He beckoned me with his finger. 

I slowly sat back up on the table so he could hold me against him while I caught my breath. His erection was now pressing against me through the fabric of his gray sweatpants.

'Should I help you with that?' I asked innocently as I molded my fingers along his length. 

He placed one hand over mine and made me stroke his dick once. 'You already know the answer to that.'

Two loud knocks at the door startled us.

'Shit.' Rindou cursed under his breath.

'I forgot they were coming now.'

'Who?' I asked.

'A few friends of mine are coming over to help me prepare Ran's surprise birthday party.'

'Ran's birthday is today?'

'Yeah, he's turning 30.'

The flicker of sadness that crossed Rindou's face didn't go unnoticed by me. The reason behind it was obviously the unresolved fight with his brother.

'You and him still haven't made up yet?'

'No, but I hope we will tonight.'

I hope so too.

He had started to lean in to plant another kiss on my lips when a man's voice came muffled through the door. 'Oi, Rin! We don't have all day.'

Rindou let out a sigh and helped me get off the table. 

I walked with him to the door but he stopped me before I could open it. 'Wait.' He quickly walked to the couch to take a blanket that he then wrapped around me to hide my naked legs. 'Okay, now you can open it.' He said, a satisfied smile creeping across his face. 

I playfully rolled at him before opening the door. Two men stood behind it.

'Oh, I see what took you so long.' The man on the left said. A smirk tugged at his lips as he eyed me up and down.

His hair was long and dyed white. There was a tattoo on his temple resembling the one on Rindou's neck. Everything about him screamed 'rich': from his designer clothes and his shoes to the way he carried himself.

The man next to him had black hair that was parted in the middle. There was a long scar on his forehead that ended at the beginning of his ear. But his most noticeable future were definitely his heterochromatic eyes. They were truly captivating.

'Kokonoi, Kakucho, this is Y/N.' Rindou introduced me to them, one of his palms resting on the small of my back. 'She's my girlfriend.'

... '' Girlfriend''?

The title had slipped out of Rindou's mouth so naturally.

'Nice to meet you.' I said, giving the two men a smile.

Kokonoi grabbed my hand in his to bring it to his mouth but Rindou slapped his hand away before his lips could brush against my knuckles. 'Stop that.'

Kokonoi merely chuckled in response, raising his hands in front of him in self-defense.

'It's nice to meet you too.' Kakucho said. He seemed a little more serious than the extravagant man next to him. I would have been a little scared of him if it wasn't for the small smile upon his lips.

Rindou led them inside of the penthouse and to the couch while I headed to my bedroom to get ready for the day.

'Wait.' Rindou stopped me in the hallway to give me his credit card.

'Why don't you go shopping with Gina? You'll need a new dress for the party tonight.'

'Yeah, I'll go.'

But definitely not with Gina.

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