Chapter 46

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My hair was tied back into a ponytail. A white apron covered my oversized T-shirt that was longer than my shorts. I was busy making Dorayakis in the kitchen while singing along to ''Be my baby'' by The Ronettes.

Mikey, who was already gone when I woke up this morning, came back to his apartment at around 3pm. His timing was perfect; the first batch of pancakes filled with sweet red bean was fresh out of the oven. He must have recognized the familiar smell of his favorite pastry because he made a beeline for the kitchen and stopped in the doorway, his gaze dropping to the plate of Dorayakis on the table.

'Surprise!' I shouted with a big smile.

Mikey's gaze flicked back up to my face, his mouth hanging slightly open.

'Go on, try them.' I encouraged him when he didn't move. 

He didn't need to be told twice. He picked a Dorayaki from the plate and took a first bite. His eyes widened and, for a few long seconds, I wondered whether his reaction meant he liked it or hated it. But then, a smile tugged on his lips and I let out a breath I was holding.

'It's so good!'

He quickly finished his first Dorayaki before devouring a second and a third one. At that moment, his cheeks stuffed with food and with a childlike, innocent smile on his lips, he didn't look like the leader of a criminal organization at all.

'You remember my part-time job in the bakery I told you about?' I asked Mikey who nodded in response because his mouth was still full of food. 'Well, the reason I took that job and not another one was because I promised myself I would learn how to make Dorayakis so that I'd be able to make some for you when we would see each other again. And...' I paused and turned around to face the counter because I was embarrassed by what I was about to admit to him. 'The days I missed you too much, I made Dorayakis just so that my kitchen would smell like it. It reminded me of you.'

My confession was followed by the sound of footsteps on the smooth wood floor. Mikey approached me and his front pressed against my back. The music playing on the radio became almost indiscernible noise as blood drummed in my ears. With a small tug on my ponytail, he tilted my head to the side. His lips brushed my ear as he whispered. 'You want to know what I did when I missed you too much?'

All I could do was nod in response.

It wasn't the first time we were touching each other. Mikey and I had hugged before, but weirdly, his touch felt different this time. Like when our hands had touched yesterday at the restaurant.

I suddenly became aware that we were alone in his apartment. The kitchen started feeling much smaller than it actually was. The only thing I could focus on was the cold feeling of Mikey's watch when he placed his palm flat against the the side of my thigh. Letting go of my ponytail, he braced his other hand against the kitchen counter on the left side of me and pressed his body harder against mine, his other hand still on my thigh. 

I had almost forgotten he still had something to tell me when he set his head on my shoulder and spoke against the side of my neck. 'The days I missed you too much, I would go back to the rooftop we met on, and every time, I imagined that the door would open and that you would come out of the building to join me.'

As soon as the last word came out of his mouth, Mikey grabbed me by the waist to turn me around. It was so fast that I had to brace my hand on his stomach to steady myself. I was involuntarily given a vivid imprint of his hard abs through his black hoodie, not that I was complaining.

He stared down at me and I stared up at him, a feeling equal parts excitement and fear growing inside of me. Throughout everything that had happened to me in the past two years, Mikey had been the only constant in my life. And as his lips got closer, and closer to mine, I felt like our beautiful friendship was about to turn into something more complicated. But after what happened with Ran and Rindou, I didn't want to enter another toxic relationship. For my own sake, I couldn't afford the pain and the heartbreak that always seemed to follow the good and passionate moments.

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