Chapter 31

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Anyone could have guessed that Ellie was still madly in love with her ex. Her brown eyes seemed transfixed on Ran while he was giving his speech. It was like everything else around her had vanished. As soon as Ran was done with his speech, Ellie walked up to him, a warm smile on her face. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't dying to know what they were going to say to each other, but I was unfortunately too far away to hear their conversation.

Suddenly, two hands grabbed my waist and my back was pressed flat against a hard chest.

'You look so fucking good, it makes me want to keep you all to myself.'


His words and the feeling of his lips grazing my neck brought a warm blush to my cheeks.

'How about we skip the party and go straight to my room?' His question was whispered in my ear. 

I slowly turned around to face him and pulled him in by his tie to give him a quick kiss. 'We can't leave now, Rindou. People are gonna notice our absence.'

'Alright, alright.' He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me impossibly closer to him. 'I guess I can wait a little longer as long as that pretty dress of yours ends up on my bedroom floor tonight, Mrs Haitani...' He teased me, flashing one of his rare broad smiles that revealed his white teeth. 

I slightly ducked my head down to hide my deepening blush from him. 'I met Ellie by the way.'

'You did?'

'Yeah, she's really nice.'

'I'm glad I invited her. Did you see the look on Ran's face when he first saw her in the crowd?'

Rindou didn't have time to notice the change of expression on my face because someone approached us at that moment, grabbing our attention.

'Hey, you two!' The person I wanted to see the least greeted us.

Rindou kept an arm wrapped around my waist as he turned to face Gina. 'Hey, Gina.'

Her sickly sweet smile ever so slightly wavered as her eyes switched from Rindou to me. 'I have to say that you look stunning tonight, Y/N.'

I had to force myself to return the compliment. 'You too.'

'Hey, would you mind showing me where the bathroom is? I need to touch up my makeup.' She asked Rindou, placing a hand on his arm. She was clearly testing my patience.

'Sure.' He replied.

How he didn't see right through her fake attitude and fake smile was beyond me.

'I'll be right back.' He planted a kiss on my forehead before walking away to show Gina the way to the bathroom. She looked at me over her shoulder as she followed him, an inseffurably triumphant smirk on her lips.

God, I wish I could wipe that stupid smile off her face-

For the second time this evening, I was startled by the feeling of two hands grabbing my waist. Except it couldn't have been Rindou this time.

I whipped around, coming face to face with none other than Sanzu. 

His smile was wry as his blue eyes raked over my body. 'I'm sure I'm not the first one to say it but you look beautiful.'

'What do you want?' I spat out the words. 

The step I insinctively took back in an attempt to put more distance between us was useless because Sanzu quickly took another step towards me.

'I see that Gina and you don't get along well. Just for that, I think I might keep her around a little longer...' He mused darkly, his smirk widening.

There was something wrong with him. And by that I mean, even more wrong than usual. His bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils gave the reason for his strange behavior away.

'Are you high?'

Sanzu nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. 'Maybe.'

'What the hell did you take?' I whisper-yelled when I noticed a little bit of white powder under his  nose. I dragged him away from the guests and into the kitchen where I grabbed a napkin.

He intently watched me while I cleaned his face, at least as intently as he was able to in his state.

'Relax, I just took a little bit of cocaine.' He said, swiping his index under his nose to collect the last residue of white powder on the tip of his finger. 'Want a taste?'

My heart skipped a beat when he brought his finger closer to my lips. All my efforts to push him away from me were in vain. His iron grip on my wrist made it impossible for me to walk away.

'Let me go!'

'What if I don't want to?'

A feeling of helplessness welled up inside of me as he dragged the tip of his finger dusted with cocaine along my lower lip. I immediately wiped it away with the back of my hand. Sanzu tried to repeat his action but someone grabbed his arm before he could touch me again.

'Let go.'

Under Ran's steady gaze, the pink-haired man had no choice but to comply. He finally let go of me and walked out of the kitchen.

'Are you okay?' Ran asked, cradling my face with both hands to make me look up at him.


The cocaine I had almost accidentally ingested was soon forgotten about as Ran and I stared at each other. Even though the birthday party was in full swing in the room right next to the one we were standing in, it felt like we were all alone.

I had tried to put an end to what was going on between the two of us. But it was hard to do when he was looking at me the exact same way Ellie had been looking at him when he was giving his speech earlier.

Thinking of Ellie...

'Where's Ellie?' I asked Ran, taking a step away from him.

'She left.'


'Yeah, I told her it would be better for her to leave.'


'It was clear she came in the hope of getting back together with me.'

'And you didn't want that?'

He let out a soft chuckle as if I already knew the answer to that question. 'Obviously not.'

Not wanting to give myself the time to overthink his answer, I decided to change the subject. 'So tell me, how does it feel to be 30?'

'I feel old. It's funny, I always thought I would be married by that time, maybe even have kids.'

For some inexplicable reason, this one sentence caused my cheeks to heat up. I knew it was time to change the subject again when an image of Ran playing with children flashed through my mind.

'I'm sorry I don't a have a gift for you by the way. I could have bought something but it would have been with Rindou's money so...'

'The thing I want from you is completely free.'


A swarm of butterflies took flight in my stomach when he grabbed me by the waist and pressed me flush against him, his body heat melting into mine.

'Meet me at my apartment at midnight.'

'Ran, I can't-'

I immediately tried to deny his request but he interrupted me. 'If you don't come, that means that you really don't want anything to happen between us again. And if that's the case, I promise I'll leave you alone. Forever.'

I was so stunned by the ultimatum that I couldn't move a single muscle as he let go of me and started walking back towards the living room. He only stopped to sneak one last glance at me over his shoulder. 'Don't forget. Midnight.'

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