•Chapter 2• The Man without Eyes

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As night fell, the people of the little village had gathered around the little campfire. Antonio sat down behind the fire. Orlando smiled as the little kid's faces lit up as they waited patiently for another story. "Mister Antonio?" A little girl called out. The old man lifted his head. "Yes?" He replied. "Could you tell us another story?" She asked him, "Please?" She added. Antonio smiled at her little voice. "Of course." He answered. Orlando smiled and started to walk away, not being in the mood for a story tonight. "Orlando, my boy," Antonio called out. Orlando let out a quiet sigh. He turned around again. "Yes?" He replied. "What kind of story would you like to hear tonight?" He asked him. "Pick the elves!" Elliot called out from the back. "No! Pick the pirate's story!" The little girl, from earlier, said. Antonio held up his hand. "Orlando can pick the story." He tells the children. "I don't feel like another story-" Orlando started. Antonio let out a chuckle. "Of course you don't feel like hearing another story." Antonio started. The old man turned his head back to the crowd. "Orlando has already heard so many of these stories already," Antonio informs the people, "So why don't I tell you another story tonight? One that I have never told anyone before." Antonio suggested. All the little kids got excited and Orlando leaned against the wall. He folded his arms over his chest as he listened to the story. Antonio cleared his throat. "I have told you all of the worlds that lie beyond the walls. I told you about the people and their powers. But, there is one thing I haven't told you yet." He said, "It's something you must not tell anyone. Ever." He added. The children all nodded their heads as they listened closely to every word. "The emperor has a secret." Antonio spoke, "And he keeps it hidden deep within the walls of the castle." he added. Everyone got closer to the man, listening carefully to the story. "There is magic in this realm," Antonio whispered. Some of the little kids gasped loudly. Orlando lifted his head, now, paying more attention to Antonio's words. "But I thought you said there was only magic beyond the walls," Elliot called out. "Most of it is." Antonio answered, "But you can't keep magic out by building some walls." He tells them. 

"Our first emperor received a gift. A gift from the elves." Antonio said, "It was a magical mirror. The legend says it is able to let anyone who passes through travel between worlds. Of course, no one alive today has seen it. It remains hidden in the castle. Kept by the new emperor." he continued.  "Have you seen it?" The little girl asked. Antonio shook his head. "Not in person. But I have heard the tales. It's a tall mirror with a wooden frame. At the top, is a white gemstone. It gives the mirror its power." He said. Orlando tilts his head, resting his head against the wall. "But let me tell you one thing. Do not go searching for this mirror. There is another legend. A legend that tells us more about the power of this stone. The stone didn't come from the elves. It came from another place. A darker place. Do not search for the stone unless you want to face your darkest fears." He warns them. "How do you know it's still there? Maybe it's gone?" Another kid spoke up. Antonio shook his head again. He lifted his chin, 'looking' at the castle. "No, it's still there. Our new emperor is just waiting for the right moment to use it." Antonio tells them. Suddenly, their peace was disturbed by guards running up to the people. Everyone started to scream and run away. Orlando snapped out of his thoughts. He picked up some of the little kids, carrying them towards their families. As everyone else was inside, Orlando was the only one left on the streets. The guards slowed their pace. They aimed their weapons at him. "Always looking out for others, aren't you?" one guard asked, "But no one there to look out for you." He added. Orlando shrugged. "What did I do this time?" Orlando asked them. "You stole food from the market again this morning." The guard spoke up. Orlando shrugged. "Gotta eat right?" He chuckled. "Oh don't worry. The place where you're going, you won't be needing much food." The guard threatened. Orlando let out another chuckle. "That's not gonna happen." He said before running off. The guards followed him through the small streets. The young man jumped on and off things, making his way towards the watchtower. "Get back here, little rat!" The guard called after him. Orlando finally reached the watchtower. He started to climb up the tower. Eventually, he made it inside the tower. He landed on the hard, cold, wooden floor. "Wherever you are, we will get you, rat!" The guard yelled from the ground below. 

The head guard stepped into the emperor's chamber. "My lord," the guard started. Erix was sitting by the huge window in his chambers. He sat by his table with a glass of red wine. He didn't move when the guard came in. He kept staring out the window. "The boy has escaped again." The guard told the emperor. Erix set down his glass on the table. "Then get him," Erix spoke. "B-but, my lord, we don't know where he is. We searched almost all over the village." The guard says. "Did you search the houses?" Erix asked. "No, but we-" the guard started. "Then search the houses. All of them. I want that boy here. Alive." Erix orders. "Of course, my lord." The guard replies. Erix grabbed his glass of wine again, taking a sip. "My lord, uh, if you don't mind me asking-" the guard started. "That depends on what you'll be asking me," Erix said. "My lord, what is it about this boy that interests you so much? He's just a street rat." The guard points out. Erix stood up from his seat. He set his glass down again. "The boy bothers me. He's stealing from the carts and walking around the city, picking the pockets of the people. It is unacceptable." He started, "I want that boy here. Now, get him." Erix added. The guard nodded before leaving the room. Erix stepped away from the window. He walked up to his desk. He picked up the dagger, admiring the blade. "I need him," Erix whispered to himself. He looked up at the wanted poster with Orlando's face on it. He groaned and tossed the dagger at the poster hanging on the wall. The blade was now between Orlando's eyes. "I need him to die." He added.

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