•Chapter 52• Skyfall

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Orlando kicked as hard as he could. The emperor stumbled backward. The young man's eyes were filled with rage as he approached him. His hand wrapped tightly around the handle of his sword as he swung it around. He kicked and pushed against him again and again. The emperor tried to cut him, but Orlando kicked his sword straight out of his hand. The emperor reached into his holsters to grab the small knives he always had on him. He swung them at Orlando's arm and he dropped his weapon. He dropped it right in front of him on the ground as his arm started to bleed heavily. Erix picked up the boy's sword. "Weak." He whispered. Orlando looked at the emperor. There he stood with his enchanted sword in his hand. Orlando had nothing but his bare hands to fight with at this point. Erix looked at the young man with a pleased smirk on his face. "I should've done this years ago." He said. With brute force, he attacked Orlando. The young man tried to block the blade with his arms, only hurting him more and more. Blood started to stain his white tunic. His sleeves ripped already from the sharp blade. "Is that all you've got?" Erix asked him again. He swung the weapon at him one more time before Orlando grabbed the blade with his hands. A sharp pain was sent directly through his entire body. But he wouldn't give up. He still had the strength to fight, so he wouldn't give up. Not now. Erix tried to pull the blade from his hands, cutting even deeper into the palms of his hands. Large trails of blood started to trail down his wounded arms. His face started to go pale. He was in a lot of pain but he wouldn't let go. "Let go, you tramp!" Erix yelled at him. His grip only became stronger. Orlando pulled the sword from the Emperor's hands and tossed it a couple of feet away from them.

Hayes got closer to his father, but the king used his powers again as he did. But Hayes fought against the wind his father was creating. He used his abilities to create a protective force field as he got closer to his father. But Callodir was stubborn. He continued to use his powers against his son. Hayes was strong. Stronger than Callodir could remember. After all, he had always been more focused on Serena's fighting abilities rather than on Hayes'. He was his son, he would be able to protect himself, and that was in his nature. In his blood. And Hayes used it against his father. He jumped up, using all the strengths in his body, and attacked his father by swinging the blade of his sword at him. Callodir responded quickly by blocking his son's attack with his own. "You disappoint me, son," Callodir said. Hayes swung his sword at his father again. "That's not the first time I heard that." He replied quietly. Callodir furrowed his eyebrows at him. The two started to circle around each other. "Do you really want to do this, son?" He questioned. Hayes gripped the handle of his weapon even tighter than he was before. He jumped up again and swung his blade right at his head. Callodir blocked his son's attack again. The blades clung against each other. The king used his magical ability, called light absorption, to take all the light around his son away, leaving him in full darkness. He couldn't see a thing. The prince dropped to his hands and knees. He reached out to grab a hold of something around him but he was blind. He only felt the dried-out dirt he was sitting on. Callodir approached his son. "You would attack your own father for them?" He questioned. Hayes looked up at the sound of his father's voice. "You betrayed your people, Hayes! That cannot be forgiven!" Callodir added. "Who cares!?" Hayes exclaimed. Callodir looked at his son, shocked by his sudden loud voice. "It doesn't matter! Elf, wolf, human. They're all evil in your eyes anyway if they don't kiss your ass!" Hayes yelled at him. A couple of feet away, Serena overheard her brother. She turned her head to look at him. She saw her father approaching his son with his weapon. "They should've killed you instead of my mother," Hayes tells him. "Don't you dare speak to me like that," Callodir ordered his son forcefully. Hayes got up from his knees. "I wish they had ripped you to shreds instead of her. Because the only thing you care about is power." Hayes spoke. Callodir's grip tightened on the handle of his sword. The gemstone started to shine brightly again. "You sent us on a quest that would most likely kill all of us. Every single one of us. You are a monster!" Hayes continued. "I'm not a monster!" Callodir yelled at his son. He raised his weapon to kill his, blinded, son.

"No!" Serena screamed at the top of her lungs. Her voice was breaking slightly. Callodir's sword had already hit his son's skin, causing him to bleed badly. The young prince collapsed as the blood started to gush from his wounds. A deathlike screech left Serena's mouth as her brother collapsed. Callodir turned his head towards the sound to see his daughter. Serena dropped to her knees as she looked at her father. Callodir's eyes widened. Serena's whole body slowly started to turn pitch black. It didn't take long for her to fade away completely. She slowly rose into the air, floating for a couple of seconds. The skies became darker as well. Everything was dark. Callodir dropped his weapon as he looked up in fear at his daughter. At the shadow monster, she had become. And it started to approach him quickly. The monster grabbed the elven king and pulled him up into the air along with her. She reached into his body and pulled his soul out of his body. She held it in her hands for a couple of seconds and admired it. She then looked into her father's eyes. The light was fading from his eyes slowly. Very slowly. Which meant it was very painful for him. "Serena," Callodir whispered in his last breaths. The monster didn't speak. She dropped him from the sky, making the elven soldiers around them all look up in shock. Everyone stopped fighting. The faded shadow slowly descended down. She knelt down next to her brother. Around her, it was only darkness. As if a shadow had taken over the world. Hayes looked up at his sister. He reached out to touch her cheek, but his hand went straight through her face. Soon, Misty and Asher approached them both. Misty quickly reached into Hayes' pockets to grab his healing gemstone. Asher looked at Serena with fear in his eyes as he saw what she was now. "Serena." He whispered. 

A/n: I listened to Skyfall from Adele on repeat while writing this, that's why it's the title😂😂. So I recommend listening to it too while reading this chapter, you don't have to of course. I hope you liked it! 🤗🤗

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