•Chapter 28• Her Story

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"Father-" Hayes started. Callodir holds up his hand. "I won't hear it." He replied sternly. The king slowly started to walk away. His son quickly rushed after him. "Please, give me a chance to explain," Hayes called after him. Callodir glanced over his shoulder. "This is exactly why Serena is the one who is going to rule the kingdom instead of you." He said. Hayes glared at his father. Truth be told, Hayes was furious when he first found out that he wasn't going to be king. But he couldn't help but feel proud of his little sister. It's one of the reasons why he was so incredibly protective over her. Aside, of course, from Serena being his little sister. He bit the inside of his cheek gently and took a deep breath. "Your sister is being tortured-" Callodir started. "As if she can't handle Erix!" Hayes replied, "Just because you couldn't!" He added. Callodir drew his sword and held it against Hayes' throat. "You better watch your tongue, son." He said. "Why? Can't handle the fact that you can't control your children?" Hayes asked his father. Callodir stepped closer, holding his weapon in place. "Don't talk to me like that, boy." He ordered. Hayes folded his arms over his chest. "Or what?" He questioned, "You've come all this way just to tell me what I've done wrong?" He questioned. Callodir continued to glare at his son. "Well, if you do it so well, then go get her back yourself. Go on then! Save her from him. Save her from the hands of the humans! Go on then!" Hayes challenged his father. 

Misty inhaled deeply. Orlando was still looking at her with pleading eyes. The young werewolf sighed loudly. "You're not gonna stop until I tell you, are you?" She questioned. Orlando folded his hands together. "Please?" He pleaded. His eyes were enormous. Misty rolled her eyes. "Fine, fine! I'll tell you." She said, finally giving in. Orlando smiled in response. "Yes!" He whispered. Misty took another deep breath. "Well, as I said, I was abandoned in the forest by my family." Misty started, "I must've been two years old. I was different from the rest of my family. They weren't like me." She continued. Orlando gave her a gentle smile. "You mean they weren't werewolves?" He asked her. Misty shook her head. "No, they were. I was just always wandering off. Always willing to explore." She explained. She let out a sigh. "My pack and Asher's were the only ones left in the forest. At least, that we know of. And I was always wandering off towards their territory. So, one day, my parents 'gave me what I wanted' and abandoned me near Asher's territory." She tells him. Orlando bit his nails slightly. "That's terrible." He replied. Misty shrugged. "I can't blame them. I would be annoyed too if my daughter sneaked away every chance she got." She said. Orlando rested his hand on Misty's shoulder. "It's still terrible that they would do something like that to a little child." He tells her. Misty shrugged again. "They didn't care." She said, "But, anyway, Asher and his father found me. And they accepted me into the pack. Remus saw me as his own and treated me that way. Asher and I became brother and sister and the rest is history." She tells. "Wow," Orlando replied, "That is some story. How do you even remember all that?" He asked her. "Well, Asher told me most of it when I got older." She answered. Orlando looked at her. Misty turned her head and locked eyes with him. She suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "If you tell your elf friends about this, I will rip your throat out. With my teeth." She threatened. Orlando smiled at her sweetly. He gently tucked a train of her hair behind her ear. "I promise I won't tell them." He assured her. 

"Asher, get back here! Your mom's gonna get angry with me if we don't get back in time!" Remus called out to his son. Asher laughed and walked further into the forest by himself. The sounds of his father's voice faded away as he wandered off further. A small squirrel quickly ran past him over the ground. The young werewolf smirked and ran after the small animal. When the squirrel climbed up into a tree, Asher stopped his pace. He glanced up and groaned. "Dada?" Sounded quiet. The young Asher's eyes widened slightly. He glanced around to see if anyone was around. But there was no one in sight. Then, a quiet giggle sounded. When Asher glanced down, he spotted a small creature looking up at him. A little girl with brown hair and black eyes. "Hello." Asher smiled at her. The little girl held out her hands for him to pick her up. Suddenly, Remus appeared behind the young boy. "Asher? Asher! There you are! What were you-" Remus said. Asher glanced up to look at his father. "Where did she come from?" Remus asked him. Asher shrugged. "She was just sitting here," Asher answered. Remus crouched down. The little girl was smiling brightly at the man and reached out her hands to grab his nose. Remus couldn't help but smile at the small and fragile creature in front of him. He picked her up and glanced around. "Where's your pack, sweetheart?" Remus asked her. The little girl only giggled and hid her face in the crook of his neck. Remus looked down at his son. "Did you see anyone out there?" He asked. Asher shook his head in response. Remus let out a sigh. "Come on, we have to get back." He said. He puts his hand on Asher's head to turn him around. Remus looked at the little girl. "Where did you come from?" He said. The little girl giggled again in response. "Dada!" She exclaimed. Remus smiled and held onto her tightly as they made their way back to the pack.

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