•Chapter 25• Learning from Different Worlds

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On an open spot somewhere in the woods, the small group was getting ready for the fight with Erix. Misty and Asher were training with each other. Misty punched Asher across the cheek. Asher quickly responded by kicking her against her stomach. The young werewolf took a few steps back, wrapping her arm around her stomach. "That's not fair." She complained. "No one fights fair," Asher replied. Misty groaned at him. The two continued to throw punches at each other. At one point, Misty jumped up at him and locked Asher's head between her knees. She then started to slam on his head. It took a few seconds but Asher managed to grab a hold of her waist. He pulled her off his shoulders and forced her onto the ground. When he pinned her down, Misty quickly reacted by pulling him along with her. Asher was flipped over her, landing on the ground behind her. "I hate you," Asher tells her. Misty let out a giggle. A few feet away from them, Hayes swung his sword at Orlando with a lot of force. The young man almost blocked his attack. But he failed. "You're focusing too much on the weapon. Move your feet." Hayes tells him. "I thought I should focus on the literal sword coming at me," Orlando replied. Hayes rolled his eyes at Orlando's sarcasm. "Of course, you should focus on the weapon. But you have to focus on your feet too. If you can't stand properly, then you can't fight." Hayes tells him. Orlando sighed and tightened his grip on his weapon. "Are you sure this is the best way to teach me this?" Orlando asked him. "Trust me, it is. My father taught me and my sister this exact way." Hayes replied. The two men started to swing their swords at each other again. Orlando did exactly as Hayes told him to do. He fought while focusing on both his weapon and his feet. He moved around as he attacked. A smirk formed on Hayes' lips as the two fought together. After a few more swings, Hayes kicked Orlando's sword from his hands. The two young men looked at each other. Hayes picked up Orlando's sword and handed it to him. "You're already getting better." He complimented him. The young man accepted the sword and smiled. "Thank you." He thanked him, "Let's do this again." He added. Hayes agreed and swung his sword at the young man again.

Meanwhile, in the elven realm, the Elven King was standing by one of the trees in his garden. He put his hand against the bark of the tree and shut his eyes. His mind traveled back to the last moment he saw his daughter. "My dear," he started. He puts one hand on her shoulder, and the other lifted her chin. "You have to take him back to his people." He tells her. Serena nodded slightly. "I understand." She said. "You will take him to the castle." He instructed, "And when you're there, I need you to find me something." He said. "What do you need me to find?" She questioned. "In the highest tower of the castle, you will find a door. When you open it, you will end up in an old and dusty room." He explained to her, "You will need the boy to open the door. Cut his hand. His blood needs to touch the doorknob." He added. Serena raised her brow at him. "Why would I do that?" She asked her father. "She doesn't have the guts to do it." Hayes cut in. Callodir ignored his son. "There is magic in that realm. A spell was placed on the doorknob. It can only be opened by the emperor that built it." He answered. "Or his family." Serena filled in, "He used blood magic to seal the door." She said. Callodir smiled at his daughter. "Such a clever girl." He smiled. "But what lies inside that is so important?" Serena asked. "You will know when you see it." He tells her. He pulled his daughter into a hug. "I have faith in you, my dear." He tells her. "Thank you, father," Serena replied. The King let out a sigh. He whispered some Elvish words. "Show me, my children." He whispered. Within a few seconds, he could see Hayes appear in his vision. Hayes and Serena had the powers to look into the future and the past. Callodir had the power to have sight of the present. That's how he was able to keep track of his children even if they were as far away as they are now. The Elven Prince was teaching the young human how to fight. Callodir glanced around the area. He spotted the two young werewolves standing a few feet away from his son.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he kept his eyes closed. Did they team up with the wolves? This must be some sort of mistake. The Elven King decided to ignore it and search further for his daughter. In his vision, he moved further into the woods, checking behind trees and rocks. He couldn't see her anywhere around here. "Show me my daughter," Callodir said. Within a few seconds, he saw Serena tied up in the same tower that Erix left her in. She appeared weak. The Elven King snapped out of his trance. His breathing became heavy. "Serena," he whispered. The Elven King rushed back to his home. The elves that stood on guard furrowed their eyebrows as the king rushed past them. "My king?" One of them called out.  "If they want war, then that's what they can get," Callodir replied. He made his way into the throne room where he kept his sword and armor. "Gather the others. We need all forces." Callodir spoke. "My king?" The other elf repeated. "He has my daughter. And every drop of blood that will be spilled by his hand, he will pay with his own." Callodir explained. The elf nodded in response.

A few hours passed by. Orlando was now standing in front of Misty. He punched her without any force. Misty groaned at him. "Just get over with it." She complaints. Orlando holds up his hands in defense. "I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you, that's all." He tells her. "I wouldn't stress about it." She replied. The young werewolf then punched the young man across the cheek and jumped up at him. Orlando caught her instead of pushing her away. Misty rolled her eyes and trapped his head between her knees. She started to punch him against his skull harshly and dug her claws into his head. Orlando groaned loudly and pushed her off him. The young werewolf landed in the dirt. She quickly reacted by jumping up again and attacking Orlando with her claws. Orlando grabbed her wrists and kicked against her kneecaps. By doing that, he forced Misty onto her knees. She looked up at the young man. "Not so bad now, huh?" He said. Misty grinned and got up again. She knocked her forehead against his before she kicked him in his guts. Orlando fell backward into the dirt. Misty placed her feet on his chest and grabbed his arm, almost breaking it. "You've got a lot to learn." She tells him. A small smile grew into her face. "But I'll admit... You"re not do bad." She tells him.

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