•Chapter 34• The Plan

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Orlando made an overview of Andillar on a small piece of paper. His pencil brushed against the material softly. He glanced up at the elves and mermaid standing around the table. "Alright," he started. He tapped his finger against the paper. "Erix has guards everywhere. Groups are assigned to check up on their assigned areas. There are three groups over here. Two over there. And three or four over here." Orlando explained. Valeria narrowed her eyes as she further inspected the drawing. "Why are there so many search groups in one place?" She asked him. Orlando made eye contact with her. "Because that's where I used to live." he explained, "They always seemed to be after me. I always moved around, going from place to place so that they wouldn't get me." He added. "So you lived on the streets?" Valeria asked. Her eyes showed empathy for the young man. Orlando shook his head. "No, I lived in an old tower." He answered, "But that's not what I'm trying to say." He continued. He glanced at the drawing again. "These groups each have their individual schedules. But there's one time a day where they are all too occupied to focus on anything else but the people inside the walls." Orlando tells. He tapped his finger on the small fountain he had drawn on the paper. "Every night, people would gather around right here." He said. Serena rested her hands on top of the table. She glanced over at Orlando. "Antonio." She filled in. The young man nodded in response. Hayes stepped forward. The male elf had his arms folded over his chest. "So we sneak inside the walls when the guards are distracted. And what then?" He asked. Orlando looked at the elven prince. "While you, Valeria, and the wolves stay down, Serena and I will go up to the tower to search for the mirror," Orlando explained. Serena nodded. "Sounds like a solid plan." She spoke. "There's only one question I have," Orlando said. He turned his head to Serena. "I want to know what this mirror is exactly. I want to know what its powers are. I want to know what we're dealing with." Orlando tells her. 

"It's difficult to explain," Serena tells him. The elves aren't supposed to talk about their magic to anyone that wasn't their kin. Although Serena trusted him, she hesitated for a while. It's something that she'd been taught all her life. It's something personal. Something that could be used against them. "I can tell you exactly what it is," Valeria spoke up. Everyone turned their heads toward the mermaid. "Val-" Serena started. "Don't worry, I won't expose all your secrets. I couldn't. You never told me." The mermaid said, cutting off her friend. Serena glanced down at her feet. Even good friends have their secrets from one another. Valeria looked at the young man. "The mirror is a powerful object. It can do basically anything you want. It can take you anywhere you'd want, it can bring you riches or armies. It can even revive someone from the dead." She tells. Orlando furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought that was impossible." He said. Valeria had a mischievous smirk planted on her lips. "Not for an elf. More importantly, an elven king." She spoke in a mysterious voice. This made Orlando even more invested in the story. The tone in her voice added more depth. It was as if he was listening to Antonio telling a story like he used to back when he was a boy. "But the most important part?" Valeria started, "Is the gemstone that has been planted in the frame above the glass of the mirror." She added. "It's the gemstone that gives the mirror powers. Well, good powers." Serena spoke up. "Good powers?" Orlando questioned. Hayes unfolded his arms and rested them on top of the table, supporting his body as he leaned onto them. "The mirror itself partly exists from the parts of a dark elf's mirror. The dark elf used to live in this valley called Morne. It's a valley hidden deep in the elven realm where the spirits of dead elves would continue to exist." Hayes explained. Orlando holds up his hand. "And with dying you mean-" He said. "Killed. Yes." Hayes answered. Serena bit the inside of her cheek. This is where their mother's spirit was... or is. She wasn't sure anymore. It had been so long. Spirits fade away with time. "The mirror's glass is partly made from this mirror. It held dark powers but my father was able to create a gemstone to let the light in. Taking the gemstone out would be very dangerous." Hayes explained. "If you were to step through that mirror with the gemstone taken out... it would take you somewhere horrible," Serena spoke quietly. Orlando looked at the she-elf. Serena glanced up at the young man. "A place where there is no light. No people. No creatures. No sounds. Only darkness." Serena continued. "Elves call it The Void," Hayes added. 

"The void?" Orlando questioned. The three creatures in front of him were silent. They all appeared to be frightened by this so-called Void. "No one comes back from that place," Serena said. "Let me guess, you'll fall to your death?" Orlando asked. Serena shook her head. "No," Valeria spoke up. Orlando looked at her. Her blue eyes appeared to be cold. Extremely cold. The only emotion they showed was fear. "Yes, you'll fall. But you will fall for the rest of eternity." She said, "You will die in The Void. Not because you hit the bottom. No. You'll die because you won't hit anything. You will see no end. No light at the end of the tunnel. Like a blank space." She explained. Orlando's eyes widened slightly. "Damn." He whispered. Hayes nodded and rubbed his chin. "Do you understand why I don't want my sister near that thing?" He asked. "I do. But I also understand that we have to do this." Orlando replied. The young man turned his attention to the two girls. "We're leaving. Tomorrow night. Inform Asher and Misty. Gather food, water, and weapons. We're gonna need it." Orlando nodded. Serena and Valeria agreed and left the tent. Orlando turned his attention to Hayes. He was a brother. A protector. He could never truly understand the worries he would feel over his sister. He never had one. But Orlando did understand he would do anything for a loved one. "Listen," Orlando started. The elven prince cut him off. "I'm going to stop you right there," Hayes said. The prince stepped closer to the young man. "I will follow you. I will help you. But if anything happens to my sister..." He took a deep breath, "If anything happens to her, I will kill you. I don't care what kind of blood runs through your veins. I don't care what you're 'meant to become'. I will kill you. I will make you wish you were never born." He threatened. Orlando nodded. "Hayes, I promise you, I won't let anything happen to her. I promise you on my life." The young man said. Hayes took another step closer to him. Only a few inches were between the two boys now. "You better." He said.

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