•Chapter 40• Returning To The Stone Empire

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A tall, large wall covered mostly in vines stopped the group from walking any further. The brown-haired boy looked up with big eyes. The cracks in the wall had only gotten bigger since he left. It was as if someone was trying to break through it. "Did someone try to break this wall or something?" Misty questioned. Orlando continued to stare up at the wall. "Many have tried over the years." He tells her. He took a couple of steps closer to the stone barrier. He pressed his hand against the cracked stone. "But?" Misty added. Everyone's eyes were focused on Orlando, waiting for an answer. It took him a couple of seconds. All kinds of horrible things started to run through his mind. All the horrible things that Erix could have done, or might even still be doing, to innocent people. People who helped him. People who don't deserve it. The brunette let out a deep sigh. "But," He started, "Anyone who tried, and got caught, would suffer a horrible faith. I'm talking about being almost beaten to death by the royal guard kind of horrible." He explained. "That's bad, man," Asher spoke quietly. "Yeah," Orlando said. He turned around to look at the small group. "We should get moving. Climb up those walls, using the vines, and sneak our way up. Maybe we can even talk to some people along the way." He added. Serena folded her arms over her chest. "Why would we need to talk to people?" She questioned. "These cracks weren't here before. Some have gotten bigger." Orlando spoke, "I think something horrible happened when I left. I just want to make sure I'm caught up with everything and that everyone's okay." He continued. The group nodded, understanding. "We'll go up first," Hayes spoke up. Serena glared at her brother. "No time for a discussion. We'll go up first and help you girls up when we get the chance." Orlando quickly cut in. He looked at Serena with sweet eyes. "For your own safety." He added. The girls watched as the three guys approached the wall. Valeria stepped closer to her friend. "Not to be a bitch... but he's kinda cute too." She whispered. Serena turned to her friend and glared at her. The mermaid held up her hands in defense. "Just saying." She said.

"I can't leave you all behind," Orlando tells Antonio. "Boy, if you don't want to end up like your mother and father, you'll leave!" The old man tells him. Orlando slowly started to back away. "Go!" Antonio tells him. "We'll hold them up." Elliot's father assures him. Orlando turned around and ran away as fast as he could. "Get him!" People called out. The young man ran through the small streets. He used a shortcut to get to the stables that were close to the small village where he lived. The stable boy glanced up as Orlando arrived. "Orlando?" He questioned, "What are you doing?" He asked. "No time to explain!" Orlando tells him. Suddenly, the royal guards started to appear. "Stop that man!" They yelled. Orlando jumped on top of a horse with a saddle. He started to make his way out of the stables on top of his horse. He rode through the small streets, sometimes having to jump over people. After riding for a few minutes, he arrived at the big gate. It was closed, as always. He jumped off his horse. He walked up to the gate and pulled on the chain to lift the barricade for the gate. As soon as it was lifted, Orlando turned to the doors. With all the power he had in his body, he pushed open one of the doors. Guards started to appear again. Orlando quickly climbed onto his horse again, riding out of the stone prison. The sun caused him to narrow his eyes. When he got used to the bright light, he opened his eyes. The lands around him were dried out. The dirt had turned a light shade of brown, almost yellow. Only small bits of grass and plants were growing here and there. This was not what Orlando expected of the outside world. This wasn't like the stories at all.

Two boys struggled to climb up the wall. Orlando and Asher almost slipped a couple of times. Hayes on the other hand didn't. With his elven abilities, he was able to climb up the stone barrier pretty easily. When the elf reached the top, his eyes widened. Orlando noticed as soon as he glanced up at him. "What?" He called. Hayes took a few seconds before he glanced down. "I'm not sure you want to see this." He replied. Orlando pulled all his strengths together to pull himself up. When he got to Hayes' level, he couldn't believe his eyes. It was as if a big fire had consumed most of the small houses. Burned corpses were gathered all over. Adults, elderly. Even children. Most of their mouths were wide open, probably from screaming at the top of their lungs. Screaming for help. "What the hell happened here?" Hayes questioned. Asher caught up with the others. His eyes widened at the sight of the burned people and houses. "Dude," he started. "He did it," Orlando whispered. "Hey! What's going on up there?" Misty called from off the ground. Hayes turned to Orlando. "He did what? Exactly?" He asked. The three boys were shocked by the sight in front of them. "He got rid of them," Orlando whispered. "This day," Erix started, "This day should be a reminder to all of you. Let today become a special day. The day that Andillar got dragged back into the light out of the darkness! Today starts a new era. The era of a new emperor!" He continued. The man spoke with confidence. After all, he got hundreds of people to get him where he is right now. At the top. "Yeah? And what are you gonna do?" Someone called out from the crowd. Erix pointed at him. "Good question, my friend, good question!" he exclaimed, "I will make this a better place again!" He added. He pointed the other way. The place where the non-rich folk lived. "Starting by getting rid of that them." He said in a dark tone.

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