•Chapter 27• Fathers

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"Would it kill you to have some faith every once in a while?" Asher asked his father. Remus was resting his palms against the tree. He was looking at the ground. Asher rolls his eyes at his father. "This is different, son." The older wolf said. He stepped away from the tree. He looked at his son. "You're asking me to trust them. The creatures who only care for themselves and riches." Remus tells. Asher folded his arms over his chest. "They have betrayed us time and time again. And I can't believe you're falling for it. Have you remembered nothing I've told you in the last years?" Remus questioned. Asher stepped toward his father. "You don't understand-" He started. "Oh, I understand." Remus cut him off, "You have walked over to their side." He added. Asher let out an annoyed sigh and put his hands behind his head. "There is no talking to this guy." He whispered. "You should be out there, killing them all. Ripping their throats out with your teeth and claws. Like I taught you. Look at Misty-" He said. "Misty is too young to understand any of this! She's too young to fight your battles!" Asher exclaimed. "She does exactly what I ask her to do," Remus replied. Asher took another step closer to his father. "She's not your guard dog." He said sternly. Remus chuckled. "You're right," He started, "You are. And you will remain to be that until you become the alpha yourself. You do as I tell you. And I tell you to kill them all. No one will be spared. Especially that she-elf witch you're starting to fancy." Remus tells him. Asher shook his head. "No, I'm going to help save her. I won't kill her. Or her brother. And neither will Misty." He said. "You can try to protect her as long as you'd like. But she'll do whatever I tell her to do." His voice was rough and dark. "Now, are you going to help your father or not?" Remus questioned. Asher looked down at his feet. "Yes, father." He whispered. 

Meanwhile, Hayes was walking by himself on the other side of the woods. He heard a twig snap in the distance. Thinking it was just an animal or Asher, he ignored it. He continued to pick food from bushes and trees. "Hayes!" He heard next to him. The young prince looked up. He saw his father walking toward him. Hayes furrowed his eyebrows. "Father?" He said. Callodir smiled at his son. "What are you doing here?" Hayes questioned. Callodir stood in front of his son and put his hand on his son's shoulder. "I came here to help you." He said. Hayes frowned at his father. "What?" He questioned. "Your sister." Callodir simply said. Hayes' eyes widened. "Serena? Have you seen her?" He asked. Callodir nodded in response. "Is she alright?" He questioned. "She's a woman. She's tougher than any of us combined." Callodir answered. Hayes couldn't agree more with his father. He hates to admit it from time to time but it's the truth. "Hayes," The king started, "I thought you went after her to protect her. To keep her safe." He said. "I did, father. But the human guards- they came out of nowhere. I tried to get her back, I promise-" He rambled. Callodir patted his son on his back. Almost gently. "There's something I'm not quite getting this. So, please, fill me in here. You disobeyed your father's orders to protect your sister. And within three days, the enemy has captured her. Keeping her locked up in the tower to torture her. Tell me, son, how is this protecting her?!" Callodir explained. "Father, I tried to protect her. I always will. We're going to get her back." Hayes replied. "With those beasts over there?" Callodir questioned. "Father-" Hayes started.

Misty handed Orlando a cup of water. The young man inspected the cup. Misty giggled in response. "I'm not going to poison you." She tells him. He smiled in return. "Thanks." He replied. They both sipped the water silently. Misty turned to look at Orlando. "So, what happened to your parents?" She asked him. Orlando frowned at her. "What?" He said. "Well, everyone's always talking about the descendent of Adelio that will save Oceanum Collis. And I would like to know what made this hero rise to the surface." She tells him, "You know, like in the stories." She added. "You mean the stories where something happened to a person and they become either the hero or the villain?" He asked her. Misty nodded in response. Orlando thought for a second. Suddenly, there was a loud banging on the front door. Orlando and his parents looked up. His father got up. Orlando rushed over to his mother, hiding behind her legs. But, he couldn't help but peek when his father opened the door. In front of them, were three royal guards. "Gentlemen, is something wrong?" Orlando's father questioned. One of the guards cleared their throat. "Something has been stolen from the castle." He informs, "We wanted to ask you and your wife a few questions." He added. Orlando's father let out a chuckle. "Well, if you told me what you're looking for, I might be able to help you." He answers. "We need you to come with us, sir." The guard tells him. "I'm sorry, gentlemen. I cannot drop everything and leave." Orlando's father tells them. "Sir, we're not going to ask you again." The guard said sternly. "I'm sorry, but you haven't given me a valid reason to leave my family." Orlando's father tells them. Suddenly, the guards grabbed him by his arms, dragging him out of the house. The first guard then stepped into the house. He walked up to Orlando's mother. "Ma'am you have to come with us." He tells her. Before she could answer, she was dragged out of her house, leaving Orlando by himself. 

The young man snapped back to reality. He turned to Misty sitting next to him. "Well, my parents were taken away from me at a young age. Leaving me alone on the streets." He tells her, "But I don't know if that's the reason for me being the 'savior' you have all been talking about." Orlando added. Misty smiled at him. "Well, maybe you're a natural hero. It could be in your blood." She tells him. Orlando let out a chuckle. "I highly doubt that. I don't think Adelio's are known for their hero-like behavior." He said. Misty giggled again. "Your family isn't that bad." She informed him. "I didn't know them. So, I wouldn't know." He tells her. Misty looked at him again. "Well, your parents never abandoned you in a dangerous forest." She said. The young man looked down at his lap, not knowing how to respond to what she said. The two sat in silence for another few minutes. Suddenly, Orlando opened his mouth to speak again. "You know all about me. But what about you?" He asked her, nudging her shoulder gently. Misty smiled at him. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She replied.

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