•Chapter 43• Inside The Walls

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Asher came back, breathing heavily. His heart was thumping in his chest. Serena looked up, her eyes filled with hope. But the werewolf shook his head. "I can't find her anywhere." He tells her, "There is no trail. No scent. No one has seen her." He continued. The hope faded from her eyes and the elven princess sighed. Her brother returned as well. "She's not here. None of the children have seen her either." He said. Serena touched her ears and tucked a strain of hair behind one of them. Did something happen to her? Did someone take her? Did Erix take her? "We've got to find her," Serena said. Asher looked at the she-elf. "Princess, she's not here. There is a chance she might have been taken by the emperor. If so, the only place we'll find her is up there." Asher pointed out. Hayes stepped closer to his sister. "Or she left." He added. Serena folded her arms over each other and glared at her brother. "Valeria wouldn't leave. Not at a moment like this. We're this close to defeating the emperor. She wouldn't leave us now." Serena replied. "Well, she couldn't have gone far. Especially not with those wobbly legs of hers." Asher added. Hayes now also glared at his sister. "Why are you getting all defensive on me and not on him?" He asked her. Serena furrowed her eyebrows. "What?" She said. The elven prince pointed at the werewolf. "You're nice to him. Why snap at me?" He questioned. His tone contained a slight whine. Both Asher and Serena rolled their eyes at his comment. "We don't have time for this." Serena sighed. 

Misty and Orlando appeared beside them. "Time for what?" The young werewolf questioned. Hayes looked at them. "Valeria is missing. We've searched for her. But she's nowhere around here. She couldn't have gone far. But she's gone." He said. "Then she's taken." Misty nodded. Serena looked up at Orlando. "By Erix." She said. Orlando avoided eye contact with the she-elf. Misty stepped forward. "Can I help?" She questioned. Serena looked up at the young werewolf. "I've already tried to catch her scent. I couldn't find it." Asher tells her. Misty looked at her best friend. "Well, my nose is better than yours. A lot better. Besides, I've spent a little more time with her. I don't need a scarf or something to identify her." Misty tells him. Asher glared at her. "Face it. You're getting old." She said playfully and gently patted his chest. The young werewolf turned back to the she-elf again. "You and Orlando need to get up there. Don't worry, we'll cover for you. Find the door, and find Erix. I'll find her. I promise." She said. Serena smiled at her. "Thank you." She replied. Misty shrugged and returned the smile. "That's what friends do, right?" She added. Serena looked at her brother. He gave her a slight nod. Serena was about to turn to Orlando when Asher stopped her. He gently grabbed her arm. "Be careful up there," he whispered. "I'm probably safer up there than down here with you." She replied quietly. Asher chuckled. "Just don't die." He added. Serena took a quick glance at her arm that was held by the werewolf. "You will if you don't remove your hand." She said. "What? You're going to kill me because of this?" he asked her. "No, but my brother will." She answered. They both turned their heads to look at Hayes. He didn't look happy at all. Asher removed his hand from around her arm, taking a step back. Serena turned to Orlando. "Let's go." She said. Orlando looked up at his new friends. "Be careful," Hayes tells him. The young man nodded, assuring the elf he would be careful. He also promised he would keep his sister safe. And with that, they wandered off to execute the rest of the plan. Asher glared at Misty. "You called me old." He complained. A mischievous smirk appeared on the young werewolf's lips. "You are." She spoke. "Am not!" Asher whined. "Just shut up you, big baby." She replied.

The two of them looked up at the tall brick wall of the castle. "So," Serena started. Orlando looked at her. "We climb." He said, cutting her off, "We can use the vines." he added. Serena nodded. The two of them started their long climb up to the opening of a window all the way to the top. Of course, it had to be at the top. Serena let out a quiet sigh. "Of course," She whispered. Orlando turned to look at her again. Serena pointed at the opened window. "He couldn't lower that?" She questioned. Orlando chuckled quietly. Serena pulled herself up at one of the vines. "Let's go, then." She said. Orlando quickly followed her. He couldn't help but feel guilty for snapping at her like that before. He should apologize. But how was he supposed to start? He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "Hey, uh," He started. Serena looked down at him briefly before looking up again. "I just wanted to apologize for snapping at you earlier. I shouldn't have done that." He admitted. Serena stopped for a moment. Orlando took this chance to catch up with her. He looked at her, panting slightly. "I probably would've gotten myself killed if you and Misty hadn't stopped me." He added. Serena gave him a sweet smile in response. "So, thank you." He said. "It's alright. That's why I'm here. To keep you out of trouble." She reminds him. He smiled at her. "So, we're good?" He asked her. Serena nodded in an assuring way. "Yes, we're all right." She assured him. The two of them continued to climb up towards the window. As soon as they reached it, Serena pulled herself up. As soon as she was inside, she pulled Orlando in as well. "I'll go first," Orlando whispered. But Serena stopped him. "No, you're not." She tells him sternly. The elven princess pulled her sword. "If they know we're here, and they try to stab us, they'll stab me first. Besides, not to brag, but I can fight." She said. "Thanks, I guess," Orlando replied. 

The two of them made their way towards the exit of the room. Serena carefully pushed open the door. Her eyes scanned the hallway. She signed for Orlando to follow her. Together they sneaked out of the room. Orlando shut the door behind him again, careful not to make a sound. "Down the hall to the left is where the stairs are that lead to the door." She whispered to him. Orlando nodded. "We open the door, get to that mirror, gather the stone, and leave," Serena explained. Orlando furrowed his eyebrows. "Stone?" He questioned. "It's a magical stone. One that I've used before. But this one is far more powerful than I hold at the moment. This is a tool we can use to defeat the emperor." She answered. Orlando nodded. They both checked again, to see if there was anyone around, but they were alone. Serena and Orlando started to make a run for the end of the hallway. "Going somewhere?" They heard behind them. Serena stopped her pace. She glanced over her shoulder to spot the Emperor standing a few feet away from them. Orlando pushed Serena behind him. "You knew we would come." He said. "Of course, I did, dear boy. Don't you remember? I have eyes and ears everywhere." Erix spoke. Within a few seconds, Serena and Orlando were surrounded by the royal guards that stood beside Erix. The emperor took a few steps toward them. Serena held out her weapon, trying to keep the knights away from them as they started to close in on them. Orlando did the same, while also trying to shield Serena with his body. "Welcome back," Erix said, "Adelio." He added.

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