•Chapter 11• History

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"He's a man," Finn said. The elf stepped forward. "He's frightened," Callodir says. "He's human!" Finn exclaimed. He took a deep breath. "Humans are nothing compared to you and me, Elf. They don't have magic. They don't know what it is, they don't know how to control it. Do you know what happens when men can't control something? They get scared. And when men get scared, they kill and destroy." Finn points out. The werewolf turns to the boy standing against a tree. "I say we kill him," Finn whispered. "My king." A voice echoed through his head. The elven king opened his eyes. "I thought I told you never to disturb me out here." He said sternly. The king was standing by an old hemlock tree. His hand gently brushed over the bark before he removed his hand. "My apologies, sir, but-" The guard started. "Never." He repeated. His tone was still stern and cold. "Sir, it's about your son." The guard spoke up. The elven king let out a sigh. "If it were truly urgent, he would've come to see me himself." He tells him. He tells him. The guard cleared his throat. "That's the problem, sir. Your son is gone." He said. Callodir turned around to look at him. "What?" He asked. The guard glanced at his feet before looking back up. "Your son is gone, my king." The man tells him. "Why didn't you stop him?" Callodir questioned. "We tried, sir. But the prince attacked them. Some of them are badly injured." The guard said. The king stepped closer to the man. "You are my royal guards. You should be able to stop him!" The king exclaimed. "He was too fast for us, sir." The guard replied. The king turned around, putting his hand on the bark of the hemlock. It was silent for a few seconds. "He had his weapons with him." The guard informs the king. Callodir let out another sigh and closed his eyes. "Of course he did." He whispered. 

In the other realm, Serena and Orlando were locked into a cell. The cell was underneath the roots of a big tree. The bars that held them there were old and rusty. Serena stood in front of them. She carefully moved her hand towards them. It was as if her skin was on fire. She quickly withdrew her hand. "Damn." She cursed under her breath. Orlando quickly turned towards her. Serena holds her hand and groaned at the pain in her hand. Orlando stood in front of her. He is eyes trailed down to her hand. "What did you do?" He asked her. Her hand was burned pretty badly. Orlando inspected her hand. Serena's eyes traveled towards the bars. "Rust." She said. Orlando frowned at her. "Rust?" He asked. She looked him in the eyes. "Elves have their weaknesses. My weakness is rust." She explained to him. The she-elf released her hand from his grip. She turned back towards the bars. "We have to find a way out of here." She said. Orlando grabbed her other hand. He gently pulled her away from the bars. "Hey, don't get so close." He tells her, "You'll get hurt again." He added. "I don't care. We have to get out before they get back." She replies harshly. She ripped herself out of his grip. "What is so important about me?" Orlando asked her. She didn't answer him. She was trying to focus on how to get out. Serena's eyes scanned over the rusty old bars, trying to think of something. Orlando asked her again, but still, no answer came. "What is wrong with you people?! Elves? Werewolves? I don't believe you! I want to know what you want from me! And you're not going to ignore me anymore!" Orlando shouted. Serena turned around. "You're not going to believe me if I tell you, anyway." She tells him, "You humans are all the same. Stubborn." She whispered. Orlando glared at her. "I'm not stubborn. You are." Orlando said quietly. He looked at her. "Why did you bring me here?" He asked her. 

Serena let out a sigh. "You are part of an important bloodline. Your grandfather was Basil Adelio." She started. "You already told me this. We both know that's a total lie." Orlando interrupted her. Serena's green eyes glared at him. "You wanted me to talk, right?" She spat at him. Orlando let out a sigh. "Sorry." He apologized, "But I am not the grandson of the emperor." He added. "You are," Serena said calmly, "After the war ended, Basil Adelio left. We thought he had left Oceanum Collis, but he didn't. We all know he didn't. He built an empire. He married a beautiful young lady when he was only nineteen years old. Not long after they got married, they had a son. Isaac." She tells him. Orlando's eyes widened slightly. He looked up at you. "How do you know my father's name?" Orlando asked her in a serious tone. "That's the name we were given," Serena answered. "But, but, how is that possible? My father wasn't wealthy." Orlando tells her. "Your father stepped away from all of that when he met your mother. Adelio would never approve of them, so he stepped aside to live a happy life with your mother." She explained to him. Orlando ran his hand through his hair before he let out a deep sigh. "How do you even know all of this?" He asked her. "My father used to be very close with your grandfather. He asked me to have a look at his future." She said, "And I saw all of that." She added. "You can see the future?" He asked me. She nodded slowly. "I can." She answered simply. "Prove it." He said. Serena shrugged. "You're gonna scratch the back of your neck in a few seconds because you can't believe what I just told you." She said. Orlando puts his hands behind his neck and scratched it slightly. "This is insane." He whispered. As soon as he realized what he just said, he glanced up at her with wide eyes. "Do you believe me now?" She asked him. "Y-yeah." He stuttered, "So what do they want from me? I don't have any money." He tells her. "We dont care about any of that. We need you." She explained, "There is a war on its way. And you can be the one to stop it." She tells him. "But how do you expect me to do that?" He asked her, "I couldn't even stop you from hunting me down." He added. "That's why I need to take you back to the castle. There might be something there we can use." She explained, "But first we need to get out of here." She tells him. "I wouldn't count on that." A voice said behind them making them jump. Serena turned her head to look at the girl standing on the other side of the bars. "Hey, she-" Orlando started. Serena jumped up and grasped the bars with her hands. Orlando jumped up and pulled her back by her waist. "You want another go? I'll kick the shit out of you, dog!" Serena screamed at her. The girl just laughed and walked away. "I love Elves." She said. Orlando turned Serena around. "Hey, hey, calm down!" He tells her. He set her down again. "Calm down!" He repeated.

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