•Chapter 24• The Door

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"Open the door!" Erix yelled at her. He was standing right in front of her. Serena could only smirk in response. There was blood everywhere. Erix had cut her open on almost every inch of her body. Her arms, neck. Even her legs and stomach had some cuts on them. Erix dropped the knife he was holding in his hand. He harshly grabbed Serena's face and pulled her closer. They were so close, their noses were almost touching. "Open the goddamn door," Erix said in a threatening tone. "Wouldn't you like that?" Serena replied. Erix tightened the grip on her face. His fingers were pressing harshly against Serena's cheekbones. "Do you think you're gonna get me with that?" She asked him. Erix groaned and released her face from his tight grip. He turned around so his back would be facing her. "You forget, dear, I've been around for a long time. I've seen things you could only see in your nightmares. I fought with creatures you only find in books and tales." Serena started, "Do you think your knife and torture will scare me off?" She added. "It should," Erix replied. He turned around to look at her again. "I have-" He started. "Killed innocent people? Oh, I've heard." Serena cut him off. The emperor stepped closer to the she-elf. "Have you now?" He questioned. He reached out his hand and brushed his thumb over her cheek, which had a small cut on it. "Why don't you tell me something about yourself, darling?" Erix suggested. Serena laughed at him and flipped her hair aside slightly. "Something you've never told anyone." He continued in a seductive tone. Was he trying to seduce her? Trick her into telling him her secrets?

Serena looked at him with her green eyes. "You must have some secrets." Erix said, "What lies beyond those innocent eyes?" He questioned. His fingers brushed over her cheek again gently. "Someone who could kill you in cold blood and still sleep at night," Serena answered. Erix let out a chuckle. "You talk tough for a little girl." He tells her. Serena leaned closer to his face. They could feel each other's hot breath on their faces. Suddenly, Serena knocked her forehead against Erix's. He groaned and took a step back, putting his hands over his nose. Serena used this opportunity to pull herself up by the chains, that tied her hands above her head, and kick Erix in his guts. The emperor groaned and dropped onto the floor, wrapping his arms around his stomach. "Little girls kick the hardest," Serena tells him. After a few minutes, the emperor pushed himself up again. His nose was bleeding and his stomach clearly still hurt. "Is that all you've got?" He asked her. He pointed up at the chains, that were hanging from the ceiling, and were still keeping her hands tied above her head. "You're still chained up. I could do whatever I want to you. And what could you do?" He asked her. "Come closer and find out." Serena threatened. Her green eyes were focused on the man in front of her. "Chained up or not. I can still kill you." She added. She stepped closer to the man again. "I can easily wrap my legs around your neck and strangle you if I wanted to." She threatened him. Erix licked his lips. "I would love to see that." He replied. Erix reached out his hand again, only now, he put his hand near her waist. He had made a huge cut there earlier. He pushed one of his fingers deeply into the cut, making Serena bite her lips. She was trying to hold back her screams of pain. It hurt so badly. "But you won't kill me." He tells her. "You're talking tough because that's what your daddy told you to do, didn't he?" He asked her. Serena started to breathe heavily and let out a chuckle. Erix frowned at her. "You know..." She started, "I liked Adelio better." She whispered to him. This pushed Erix over the edge. He suddenly stabbed her with the knife he had picked up earlier. He stuck it right into her side. Serena groaned loudly, not daring to scream. She was not going to show weakness to this man. She opened her eyes again, ignoring the blood starting to pour out of her wound. Her green eyes were looking directly into his eyes. A smirk appeared on her face. "You're weak." She said. Her body was starting to tremble slightly, but she continued to keep up her poker face.

The emperor made his way down the small stairs of the tower. One of his head guards stood at the end of the steps. "Is she dead?" The man asked. The emperor's, once white shirt, now covered in blood. Serena's blood. Erix rubbed his nose while still holding the dagger in his hand. "Not yet." He tells. The emperor glanced over his shoulder to look at the stairs. They would lead to the room he had never been able to open. There was nothing that could let him inside. Instead of her. "She's stubborn." Erix pointed out, "She will give in eventually. It's just going to take some time." He added. The guard nodded in response. "Still no sign of the boy?" Erix questioned. "No, sir." The man replied. Erix let out a sigh. "He disappeared into thin air." He whispered. He glanced up at the guard. "Tell the men to retreat. We are wasting our time." He ordered. The man nodded in response before he rushed away. Erix turned the other way to bump into a maid. The young woman was shorter than Erix. She had beautiful dirty-blonde hair and hazel eyes. She reminded Erix a little bit of his lost love. Rachel. The young maid's eyes widened when she realized who she had bumped into. "Oh my lord, my apologies, sir! I wasn't paying attention! I-I-" She blurted out. The emperor eyed the young maid up and down with his eyes. He listened to the girl ramble on for a few seconds. She was trying to apologize so badly. He almost felt bad for her. Erix holds up his hand. "Stop," He ordered, "It's fine." He tells her. He started to unbutton his shirt slowly. The maid's eyes widened again. She quickly turned away her head, not daring to look at him. "S-sir, what are you doing?" She asked him quietly. "Get the stains out." He ordered as he pushed the shirt into her hands. The maid nodded, still avoiding eye contact, and walked away. The emperor made his way towards his chambers. He pushed open the doors and stepped inside. He quickly made his way over to his closet, slipping on a new shirt. How was he going to convince Serena to open that door for him?

The young man eyed the object up and down. "It's glorious!" Basil Adelio exclaimed. The young emperor turned to look at the Elven king. "Thank you," Basil added. Callodir smiled at his friend. "You don't take sides. I respect that. You have returned the peace to these lands. It was the least I could do." The king spoke. Together the two walked out of the room and shut the door behind them. Callodir looked at the young emperor. "Give me your hand," he tells her. Basil holds out his hand. The king pulled out a small dagger. "Do you trust me?" He asked. Basil nodded as he looked into the king's eyes. Callodir focused on the man's hand and gently cut it. Basil hissed in pain. "My apologies." The king apologized. The Elven king turned his head towards the door. "Place your hand on the wood." He ordered. Basil obeyed and placed his hand on the wood. Callodir made a small cut on his hand as well, letting out a small groan. The king placed his hand on the door as well and whispered some elvish words. The two removed their hands again. Basil looked at the king. "What did you do?" He questioned. "This is to make sure no one has access to the mirror aside from someone who shares the same bloodline as we do," Callodir explained. Basil's eyes widened. "That's possible?" He asked. Callodir laughed at him. "You have much to learn." He replied.

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